There I sat listening when all of a sudden one single phrase rocked my world and tears rolled down my face. Our pastor was preaching and nonchalantly mentioned that none of us would be hung on a cross for our faith. Then it hit me as I looked around the room.
We as westerners really don’t have to worry about dying for our faith if we stay in our western culture. We are comfortable enjoying the sweet pleasure of our Christianity with no fear that someone will come knocking on our door to take us away because we have shared the gospel. And most of us don’t walk in fear that our family will disown us if we decide to follow Christ.
Yet that is not the case around the world. Many Christians around the world go “underground” to fellowship with other believers. They know the cost of following Jesus because they have been excommunicated from their families and friends. Or they’ve been thrown in jail with no hope of release. Or killed because they have shared the precious name of our Savior.
As I sat there listening to our pastor the Lord asked me so clearly.
“Was I willing to die for my faith? Was I willing to fully surrender my will and comforts for His sake?”
Tears sprang to my eyes as I recounted the cost. Am I willing to follow Him at any cost so others that live in darkness will encounter the loving Father? Or will I stay in my western comforts and never share the way, the truth and the life with those that are perishing?
Currently there are millions of people that have never heard the name of Jesus. Who don’t have a Bible in their language. Who are broken and heavy because they have never met the Creator of the universe.
Am I willing to go? Even to the hardest reached nations?
I could use the excuse that I have four children under 11. But God was still asking, am I still willing to die for Him? He sent His only son to die for me!
The tears continued to stream down my face as I made the conscious decision that the Creator of the Universe is worth it. He is worth the risk. He is worth following. He is worth dying for.
Now in my flesh I really hope this doesn’t become a reality. I also don’t plan to purposely do things to cause death to happen but I always want to be willing and ready. Not holding so tightly to the things of this world that I loose out on what God is doing because of fear.
Today let each of us be bold and courageous living in such a way that we are willing to die for our faith!!