Sanders EPIC Mission

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Discouragement or Hope?

Discouragement and depression can set in really at any season of our life. Things don't turn out how we imagined and our excitement begins to dwindle. Yet our sweet Savior knows so much more than we can imagine and He longs for us to partner with Him in our disappointments.

It got even harder as I saw my husband withering in pain on multiple occasions. It was as if I began to question the call God had on our life. Doubt started to creep in and my self-worth began to get hit.

Oh how often Satan wins without even lifting a finger. Instead he roots from the sideline as we beat ourselves up and we become our own worst critique. God is challenging each of us to put our own inadequacies and our own understanding aside. Instead He says press into me.

As we press in with all of our emotions we can begin to get clarity. We are also reminded that emotions and circumstances come and go but God is the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever! As we turn our mind to this and know that He has purpose for our lives no circumstance is too big for our loving father. No situation can He not use.

This knowledge is in my tool belt yet I am human and in the last three and a half weeks I have not always acted out of this knowledge (you can ask Bruce). Yet as I sit and write this I am reminding myself of how faithful our Heavenly Father is.

In the last four weeks my husband has spent two weeks in the hospital, he is in a wheelchair for up to 12 weeks and in 90 degree weather, he has two broken feet in casts that are almost up to his knee. He also had an operation on his left heel yet as of this last Monday he is a student.

As a Word by Heart student he is learning the technique of memorizing an entire book of the Bible. In the last four days of taking this class I see a sparkle in Bruce's eyes as he describes how he is learning the entire book of Mark word for word. This is highly impressive, especially since he is still on some really strong pain medications. However, I see how the Lord is utilizing His Word to keep Bruce from having any self-pity!

As for me God utilized the blessing of having my Mom come three days before my husband's surgery to help with our kiddos (Hallelujah!). Her presence and love for my kids has been irreplaceable. It has also been such a blessing to have a partner to accomplish the basic tasks of running a home and someone to talk with, especially when Bruce was in the hospital for a week after surgery.

My passion is to make an impact in the lives of vulnerable youth, specifically those in the human trafficking industry. After Bruce's accident I began to panic. What did God want to do with me in this new season? In Australia my kids were going to be in preschool three days a week and I had a place on staff to work on making a positive impact in the lives of those in the human trafficking industry.

Yet now what? Temptation to doubt God wanted to use me in this season tried to seep in. The preschool on the Kona YWAM campus by now was completely booked. Even though opportunities to help on the Kona YWAM base started to come out of the wood work I didn't want my children to suffer since they'd have no place to go. I also didn't want to help somewhere just to do something "good" I longed for the Lord to show me where He wanted me to spend my time.

Over the last two weeks the Lord has opened an amazing door to assist in ending Bible poverty and has introduced me to some amazing women to have play dates/homeschooling fun with. Therefore, my mornings will be filled with kids activities and my afternoons while kiddos are asleep or at the park I will be working on specific projects to help end Bible poverty in Africa.

Therefore, today I encourage you. If life is turning out differently then you expected please press into the Lord. Your plans may have to be adjusted but He longs to use you in the season you are at. And even if it isn't exactly what you had hoped for wait with expectancy for our sweet God to move. It may even turn out better then you had envisioned.