Sanders EPIC Mission

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God’s protection

Shock over took me as I walked away realizing my daughter and I could of just been killed. . .

A week ago Bruce, Esperanza and I all had separate dreams depicting horrific events. First, I dreamt that all three kids were taken away. The next day Bruce dreamt that Amara drown. The following day Esperanza dreamt that Gryphin was kidnapped by someone right in front of us. 

After Esperanza's dream I knew God was saying to take all the dreams seriously. Therefore, I reached out this last Saturday to a handful of our prayer warriors and asked for prayer. Bruce and I also began praying more fervently at night for our kids. 

Fast forward to this afternoon. 

Amara slept peacefully as I dug into the Word of God. Movement from Amara's pram (stroller) gave me a sense it was time to leave my nice sunny perch at an open field (the oval) next to the NIB stadium near our home. 

Hmmm maybe I will stay a little longer .... NO, I felt a small nudge in my Spirit that I needed to leave right then. 

Turning my Bible off, I sliped it into my back pocket, took the brake off of the pram and we were off. Debating in my heart, should I walk up and take the crosswalk or do I take the shortcut across the street. Once again I felt the same nudge in my spirit to take the crosswalk. 

Over the grassy field up onto the side walk. As I looked down at Amara stirring I heard a loud reved engine behind me. Cranking my head around I instantly stopped. To my shock a Jeep was cruising backwards through the grassy area we had just walked through. Without warning the Jeep took a sharp turn and rolled upside down. 

A woman who had seen the whole thing described what happened. A man had grabbed the keys of the Jeep from a woman, jumped in and cruised backwards across four lanes of traffic (right where I had contemplated crossing) into the field where I saw him flip it. 

As I walked away from the woman the shock flooded over me. If I hadn't of listened to the Holy Spirit my three month old daughter and I would of been badly injured or even killed. 

Yet I did. I listened and obeyed when the Holy Spirit said to leave RIGHT THEN. 

There are times in all of our lives where the Holy Spirit's still small voice speaks. Will we listen even when it seems silly? 

I wish I could say I've always listened to that still small voice but I haven't. There have been more times then I'd like to admit where I've brushed it off as nothing to later realize I should of listened. 

Today, let Amara and my experience remind you that God cares deeply about you. He longs for each of us to learn to listen and obey His still small voice.