MRI report
Yesterday I sat in a dimly lit room with three other ladies. My eyes were closed, I could hear their breathing, and I slowly released my burdens to the Lord. As they led me through the “SOZO” process I could feel the unwanted baggage begin to lift.
Tears sprang to my eyes and down my checks as I confessed how I longed to believe in the healing power of Jesus for both my daughter and husband. Yet I know there have been times over the past 8 years my faith that He will step in wavers.
When I feel this doubt try to over take me I know it’s when I have to pick up the shield of faith and lean into our loving Savior’s arms. Laying hold of the fact that He is GOOD, ALL THE TIME! Even when I don’t feel it.
Today was a whirlwind of finishing up all the final packing details. Friends came by and took on a room or two and the rest of us plugged away. Sorting things into multiple different categories, AirBNB, storage, Guatemala, India, Mexico, and Arkansas. Much more complicated process than when we moved from Hawaii, it either was coming with us or not.
Then as the time sped by it was finally time for Esperanza and I to embark on another doctor appointment. This time my senses were more heightened but at the same time I could feel the peace of God flooding over me as we waited for the doctor to arrive.
Once in the room Dr. B pulled out the MRI of Esperanza’s brain. Instantly I could see what they had been talking about. The tumor had noticeably grown in the last 10 months. Her ventricles were definitely larger and the space where her Cerebrospinal fluid flows was becoming smaller.
What does this mean?
The specialist began to describe the different options and next steps that would need to take place. Talk of radiation, taking medication or even surgery if her verticals close off her cerebrospinal fluid were shared.
Wait . . . . When does this need to happened? Is this urgent?
Questions swirled around in my head.
The doctor slowed down as he could see I was trying to process all the information he was throwing at me.
He began to describe that he would meet with all the other specialists to discuss her case and would call me on Friday next week to share the results.
Uhhhh . . . .
We are supposed to board a plane for Guatemala on Friday next week and we will be gone for 5 months. . . Do we cancel?
No, no.
The doctor goes on to say he does not think we need to make any rash decisions. We are fine to travel and they will do a follow up MRI in October.
Relief that it wasn’t urgent flooded my heart while at the same time the realization that without a miracle soon there were procedures that loomed in the future.
Esperanza and I entered the elevator and discussed the different options the doctor had shared.
We both came to the conclusion we wanted a miracle instead.
Therefore, we continue to invite you to lift Esperanza up in prayer! She is a fighter and we know through this process God is making her into a mighty warrior!
Thank you for praying!!