Sanders EPIC Mission

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A few days ago I had this realization moment. During my kids school lunch I had come by on Valentines Day. Entering the gym I saw all the kids happily chatting and eating their food. The room was full of activity and my children were beaming with excitement as they chatted away. Half of the children I knew but the other half I did not. Parents scattered about and the lead busily organized the events. A smile etched across my face as I remembered two years prior all this was unfolding while I was still in Hawaii. 

Two years ago was when I came to the realization that the only Christian school in Siloam Springs was way out of our price range and that I’d have to figure out what I was going to do with my children when we arrived in Arkansas. So I began to do my research and pray. Then God started to put people into my path that not only knew of a hybrid co-op in Arkansas but also was related to the director. 

After chatting with the woman from Arkansas my mind started reeling. Was this what God wanted? We were heading to Arkansas to help launch a YWAM base and the base director was the one to launch the Family Discipleship Training School. Therefore, we knew there would soon be multiple YWAM children that would need a school to call their own. As I prayed everything began to line up. 

Before even arriving in Arkansas God began putting people in place and I had multiple words that the red carpet was about to be laid. These words definitely came to fruition as the doors opened wide. By the time we arrived in Arkansas the end of April 2022 God had already put multiple relationships in place. So much so that by August 2022 we had a venue, teachers, students and I had an amazing co-leader. 

INCREDIBLE! In less than six months God turned a thought into a reality! Only God could do that!

Now two years later and I get to see even more fruit. YWAM Oak Haven isn’t ready for a bunch of families at this time but in this season of co-leading a YWAM Discipleship Training School my kids are across the street. And I can truly say I am thankful that there is a safe  place for my kids on Wednesdays. And the leaders that now run ETC Siloam Springs have done such an amazing job growing the group.

Following Jesus is never dull. We never know what doors He will open up.

Prayer Requests

  • We have a doctors appointment for Bruce the beginning of March to see if he can get surgery for his foot/ankle.

  • We need a vehicle at the end of April.

  • We don’t have housing after the end of April.

  • Need clarity on timing of things the Lord has begun speaking.

P.S. If you receive any messages from Sanders Familys Heart To Serve please block them. Our old website I believe was hacked.