Sanders EPIC Mission

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Walking in Forgiveness

The irritation was real as the frustrating thoughts swirled around in my head. Yet here we are a part of Youth With a Mission (YWAM) and we are supposed to have it all together, right?

Our background are as night is to day. My growing up experience included church three times a week with no television in sight. Bruce on the other hand grew up with a television blaring loudly the entire day and often late into the night. Bruce was mostly raised by his father after the age of 9. My father passed by the time I was 12. Conflict and strong communication were non-existent throughout my house yet it was the common practice in Bruce's home.

The list of differences could go on and on. In the world's eyes we could of been a couple that was set up to fail. Yet God brought us together.

Our time dating and getting to know one another was so limited that we didn't even realize most of our differences until after marriage. This I know was part of God's plan. I was already so skittish that if I knew we had so many differences I may of bolted at the fear of another marital disaster.

Yet God....

As we have walked out the last almost ten years of marriage we have learned the vital importance of walking in forgiveness.

Neither one of us are perfect and we both have said and done things that have hurt the other. It could be so easy to hold onto those hurts and create a barrier between one another. Yet as Christians we know the power of forgiveness. We know that Jesus died on the cross so His blood covers our sins. Therefore, since He has forgiven us what right do we have to not forgive one another?

Has it always been easy? No, there have been situations where it has been a process of forgiveness. Yet every time we choose to walk in forgiveness the walls fall down and the closer we become.

We still have our moments of disagreements and frustrations with one another.  And we are constantly learning how to make sure our marriage stays healthy. Yet over the last ten years forgiveness has been one of the keys that has allowed us to stay in love.