Confirming The Call

 Our outreach in Uganda has come to a close but our mission journey is just beginning. Starting in September we will once again climb aboard an airplane to go half way around the world. Our time in Uganda has solidified in our hearts that missions is what we are called to do! As I've stood up to encourage and challenge hundreds, I have felt God's pleasure. As I've prepared message after message I could feel in my innermost parts I was doing what God had designed me to do. Bruce has also felt God's pleasure as he's taken countless photographs of our team doing ministry (we will be posting a slide show when we are back in Kona. Internet connection here is not very good). It's like God used Uganda to say "YES I've called you into full time missions. It's not an accident. It's not just a passion. It's YOUR CALLING!"

One specific incident that rocked me to the core was when the ladies on our team were asked to prepare a message for about 25 women in a vocational school on the YWAM base. I didn't have a clue what to speak about. But as I sat and spent time with the Lord it was like a flashlight went on and Psalms 119:1-3 was highlighted. He asked me to preach about integrity. As I shared the message, God had literally given me 20 minutes before, I could see the individual women's eyes light up. God even helped me utilize words that they would understand (Ugandan English is much different then American English). After I spoke every single woman asked for prayer. The teacher even came up afterwards for more consultation and a week later came to our house for more prayer. 

Another incident that shook me was when God had a few of us share His word with women that were affected with HIV. As I shared God began to reveal to me that they were extremely angry at Him. As I shared tears came down and we all ended up on our knees crying out to the living God for forgiveness. 

Many of these ladies in both of these different groups had already been in the human trafficking industry or were heading down that path if they didn't get their lives pulled together. I believe I was allowed to plant a seed for them but one was planted within me as well. 

Bruce on the other hand has taken hundreds of photos (many I haven't been able to post due to internet issues) and video taped a few Ugandan YWAM staff testimonies. He has also stepped outside his comfort zone by preaching and sharing his testimony in front of an entire church (he was amazing!) Bruce was also reminded that he has a passion to do door to door evangelism. During one evangelistic trip to the village our leader, Taylor (my nephew), and Bruce got to lead a Muslim young man to Christ. The excitement and passion that flooded out of my husband confirmed his gifting. 

As for our children, God has used them both. Gryphin has had fun playing and engaging with anyone that is willing to play with him. He has made multiple friends and has even preached with me a few times (on my back). 

 Esperanza on the other hand has had a huge passion to pray for those that were sick at the hospital. She'd be on my back pointing to the people I needed to pray for next. If I missed someone she'd make sure I knew it. She has also led multiple girls on the Arua YWAM base in songs and dance. Each of us has the call imbedded in our hearts and as we head back to Kona we long to get settled into our new home in Perth, Australia. However, we know the few days of debrief and mandatory doctor appointments for Esperanza's arthritis (she has had no flare ups the whole time while in Uganda! Amen!) are needed. 

We have also realized another need is consistent monthly donors. We spent time with a missionary couple in Uganda and over 50% of their supporters give $25 or a little more every month. If while reading our blogs you have been moved or challenged at any point I encourage you to pray about becoming a monthly supporter. $25, $50, or more a month will allow us to continue to walk out the call God has put on our life. . You truly are a part of our journey. 

Lastly, for those of you that supported our outreach to Uganda either financially or by prayers THANK YOU! You truly are the reason we were able to be used! 


Culture Shock


First World Problems