No Good Men
Outreach Kara Sanders Outreach Kara Sanders

No Good Men

Looking out the window the sky was painted grey and dreary. We turned the corner into a handful of dirty cream apartments with AC units dangling out the windows.

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Kara Sanders Kara Sanders


The Lord asked us to set our priorities straight . . .

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Yes Lord
Kara Sanders Kara Sanders

Yes Lord

Now many years later and we get to hear about some of the fruit taking place because of our simple “Yes Lord”.

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Kara Sanders Kara Sanders


All these words are excruciating for me to choke down when my entire being feels this weight to perform.

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New Life
Kara Sanders Kara Sanders

New Life

“Mom, God told me you are going to have a baby.”

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Poverty in Paradise
Kara Sanders Kara Sanders

Poverty in Paradise

As I described the vision God had given me her eyes became moist and tears spilled down her face.

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Junior Holy Spirit
Kara Sanders Kara Sanders

Junior Holy Spirit

When the Holy Spirit comes upon His people He doesn’t care the age the person is. He just wants willing hearts.

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Nine years
Kara Sanders Kara Sanders

Nine years

Our nerves were shot from the journey leading up to this point.

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Kara Sanders Kara Sanders


Esperanza’s surgery and update.

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Yes WE are Moving.
Kara Sanders Kara Sanders

Yes WE are Moving.

My girlfriends and I were paddle boarding out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

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Purposed with His Love
Kara Sanders Kara Sanders

Purposed with His Love

You’ve probably connected the dots already. But in case you haven’t we are moving to . . .

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