Sanders EPIC Mission

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Crying Out in the Small Things

Every day we make decisions. Some big some small. How often though do we include the Lord? It's easy to go to Him with the BIG problems because we are at the end of our own knowledge. Yet is that really what the Lord wants?

How often do we miss out on Devine appointments because we are caught up with our own agenda? Wouldn't it be incredible if each of us that believe in our Lord Jesus Christ really surrendered every moment to the Creator of the Universe. 

The next call we make for work or personal we ask the Lord to direct it. The next time we are to make a plan about our future even school holidays, we just stop and ask the Lord. Trust Him to guide. 

Would we see more Devine and powerful encounters in our day to day lives? Every time I've stopped to listen God has shown Himself true. So why do I not always stop to listen? 

In my pride there are times I know I haven't stopped to listen because I'm just doing my day to day routine. I think I don't need guidance to walk my daughter down to school. Oh but I do. 

What if there is someone on our walk down that we are supposed to pray for? Or what if there is a powerful conversation about to take place with my child that will stick with them. Or ..... there are so many possibilities. 

Let's join together and cry out to our Living Savior Jesus Christ. Let's ask Him to walk with us in the mundane and in the big moments. Let's not miss out on what He wants to do in and through us.