Demonic Deliverance

The sun rose across the sky as Bruce sat tucked away amongst the sea of building tops. With a coffee in one hand and his Bible in another. He was completely unaware of what would transpire over the next 48 hours. 

The first few days after a very LONG journey the team had spent time speaking with cultural advisors and surveying the land. As they've built the story from the ground up, asking the Lord what he has to say they've heard many powerful testimony 's of the scattered believers. The movie needs to be has to be biblically accurate. But to have the deepest impact on the mass of others who do not know Jesus they have to make sure it is relevant and honest to there culture.

Almost every testimony of surrender to Jesus included incredible deliverance from demonic possession. And how they we're experiencing our living God in a way that many of us from the western world have never even touched. Bruce however never thought he would experience it firsthand. 

After a full day of meetings and brainstorming over story content it's beginning started to take shape. But the further need for culture immersion sent them back into the smoke filled streets of the city. He swung his backpack on and headed out the door with his team. After a few hours of mingling with the locals, as well as experiencing all the sights and sounds of the village (exact location not revealed due to security) it was time to call it a day. 

 Early the next morning Bruce woke to excruciating pain that engulfed his entire head. He vomited repeatedly. Lying in a pain stricken state while two men from his team laid hands on him and prayed. He had a vision of a hand. The vision became clearer and he remembered shaking a specific man's hand in the market. The team prayed for the assignment from Satan to be gone and for full deliverance. Instantly the vomiting stopped and the headache lifted. Bruce had been set free from the demonic oppression!

The rest of the day Bruce was in good health and he was able to function normally with the rest of the team.

Demonic oppression is extremely real in this area. It's real everywhere yet as you can see Satan is not happy about Bruce and his team taking the enemy's ground. Thank you for continuing to pray for my incredible husband! 

Back home we too have found ourselves in a health battle. Esperanza had an ultrasound on Monday to look at her bladder. Doctors are still unsure why she has lost her bladder control so we continue to search for answers. However, we learned that the nurses' report on Esperanza's hearing wasn't completely accurate. Praise God! Instead Esperanza has glue ear. 

This mean she has fluid in both ears from the cold she has had. It could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to clear up. We have another doctor appointment later today to determine next steps. She may have to meet with another hearing specialist in the future due to the extreme loss of hearing she is experiencing with this sickness. 

Thank you all for your continual prayer support for our family. I truly believe that without your prayers we would not be able to continuing on this path. Yet your prayers are allowing us to be a part of seeing many lives delivered from demonic oppression. 

We are certain the attacks are not in vain. Instead it has shown us so clearly that we are on a spiritual battle field and it is vital to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6). As you continue on your day please remember that you too are on a battle field. Whatever you are facing is not a fight against flesh and blood. Instead it is a fight against the darkness of this world. Put on your heavenly armor and praise our living and active God!! He wants to fight for you!


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