Faith as a child
This morning before church my kids and I snuggled on the couch. All four of them crammed up against me. With excitement in our hearts we huddled together watching informational videos on one of the countries we are visiting this summer.
We chatted, pointed and tried to understand the language but failed miserably. As our time ended I was prying myself out from under the mountain of children when my oldest made a statement that resonated with me.
Before sharing her statement I want you to be aware that an hour before I was having my quiet time and the Lord was highlighting the importance of “FAITH”! The Lord was stirring my heart to hunger for more faith and passion for the impossible. Because without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
So back to me prying one child off and then the next so I could go get ready for church.
My oldest daughter spoke,
“Mom, my friend asked why we were saying we were going to this nation when we didn’t have any money yet to go. I told her, girl we are missionaries and we just follow God.”
That is exactly right sweet girl!
It’s true we don’t have most of the money yet to go where God called us to go this summer but with the faith of my child I know it will all come in at His perfect timing. Not because we think it was something cool to do but because God spoke and asked us to go.
And with that faith I’m believing for not only the finances to come in but for so much more. We’ve seen miraculous provisions over and over again the last 8 years since we stepped out in faith. So I know the funds will come like they always do because He is faithful to provide!!
However, what I long more faith for is to move the mountains. To see more healings, more people set free, more hearts set on fire for the Lord, more of our Savior and less of me.
Jesus said that He couldn’t perform miracles in his own home town because of their lack of faith. Let that not be true of me or my family!! Let us walk in a way that miracles flow because of our abundance of faith in our Savior!!
And may yours and our lives reflect a child like faith knowing that what the King of Kings speaks will come to fruition.