Sanders EPIC Mission

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We had all climbed into our car and were heading down the road. I turned the music off and stated.

“We need to take a moment and ask the Lord what we can fast over the next few days. We want the doctors appointment for Esperanza to have a good report!!”

We emerged from our silence a few minutes later. Each person had something they sensed the Lord wanted them to fast over the next four days. Esperanza gave up sugar, Gryphin lunch, Amara sugar drinks, Bruce cheese and coffee for me. These may sound silly to those not in the know but each of us was giving up something we looked forward to most. Sometimes multiple times a day.

On Wednesday the 13th, Esperanza and I headed to the doctors office. Peace surrounded us as we made the 20 minute trip. The doctor came in and to our relief he said we could wait a year for the next MRI. Yes the tumor has slightly grown and her ventricles are larger but not enough to do anything right now.

We celebrate for answered prayers and joy overflows with this report!! We are continuing to believe for a miracle break through!! Knowing God is putting His hedge of protection over our sweet daughter.

We also believe God has break through for you. Is there anything that you’ve been asking the Lord for answers? Fasting is a powerful tool that we have at our fingertips but often seems forgotten in the church today.

Ezra 8:23 states “So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.”

Over and over in scripture when people wanted answers they fasted and prayed. Then God heard their prayers and answered!!

So why don’t we do it now? Is it because it’s hard to deny our flesh? It’s inconvenient?

Whatever the reason today let’s be a people that humbles ourselves, fasts and prays. Believing that God will answer and that we will see His glory here on earth!!

Thank you for your prayers for our sweet daughter!! They are being answered.