Sanders EPIC Mission

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Gripping Fear

The e-mail came in and fear instantly griped me. I've been walking with the Lord now for over 20 years. You'd think nothing would shake my trust in the Lord yet here I was struggling with fear.

Confusion swirled around in my head and my reactions to my children became short. My Spirit longed for just a few quiet moments to clear my head. Yet with three small children quiet moments are not a luxury I am blessed with until after 7pm.

Pulling out my Bible and journal I found myself pleading with the Lord to meet me in the midst of holding a six month old and listening to my older two playing together. God knew I needed some quiet moments with Him. Out of the blue both of the older kids were asked to come to two different neighbors and Amara went down for her nap.

My Spirit leapt for joy as I sat in silence. Then I began to cry out to the Lord reminding Him of His promises to my family and I. The more I did this His peace returned and the fear vanished.

Did the situation change? No! But I changed because I had reminded myself of what the Lord had spoken. He had guided us and we are where we are because He had called us. This means whatever comes our way God will walk us through it.

At times fear doesn't go away because we know we are outside of God's plans. However, if we've surrendered our life and our will to the Lord, Satan has no hold. So no matter what news comes at us we can stand on the promises God has given us knowing His will always comes to fruition.

Today are you struggling with fear? Spend time seeking His face and allow Him to show you the situation through His eyes. Even if you are currently outside of God's will He is big enough to help you get back on track with Him and under His protection.