Hard Shells broken
Our van was full of young missionaries chatting away in Spanish in the back seat. As the oldest amongst our team, I was encouraged to sit in the front seat. The unfamiliar scenery swirled by as we approached a “Girls Safe House”. Really it was a Guatemalan girls prison. We arrived and unloaded from the van.
Being without our kids for the first time upon starting our travels I found myself relaxing not feeling a need to keep pivoting my head to make sure no one was going to take my treasures.
We entered the gates and you could see so many young Guatemalan girls all dressed in blue. Many had their tough faces on but deep down you could see the pain in their eyes. The fear resonating as their eyes darted around the room. And the sadness loomed in the air as testimonies were shared.
Our team all had opportunities to share the love of Christ to these girls through worship, testimonies and through big hugs. There were a few times I also had an opportunity to share with the help of a translator. God really highlighted a few girls that He had me challenge. He was telling them if they were to forgive those that had hurt them they’d be able to walk in freedom.
During our breakout groups one other young missionary and I got to teach the girls how to hear God’s voice. One young girl who first arrived in our group with her “tough shell” wrapped around her shoulders began to melt as we encouraged her to take time to hear God. When we had the girls report back she was actually the only one to share a picture she had gotten for another young girl in the group.
God really is in the business of healing the broken hearted. And He continues to pursue us no mater where we are.
Please take time to pray for the many girls within this safe house. There were over 40 girls who are lost and without much hope. Pray that YWAM Guatemala is able to continue to minister to these girls and they will find God’s hope for their future as they continue to minister here.
Below you will see two videos that capture our last couple weeks.
Missions with Kids Intro
Our first week in Guatemala