Holding too Tightly 

Finances were tight, the income coming in was not matching the expenses going out. What were we to do? I quickly realized I needed to go through our budget and make sure we were walking in generosity.

As I combed through our finances the Lord highlighted situations where He wanted us to be extra generous. He didn’t want us to hold our fist tightly. Instead the Lord wanted us to open our hands completely trusting Him because our money is not ours. It’s His. The Living God owns ALL THINGS!

So even though our expenses outweighed our income God said give. “For it is better to give then to receive” Acts 20:35 

So we did. Trusting and believing that as we let go of our finances He’d take care of us however He saw fit. 

And by His sweet kindness He took care of us that month. 

When did this take place you may ask? 

Well the reality is over the last seven and a half years since going into missions this moment has happened multiple times a year. We find ourselves walking in lack and instantly God shows us where to be generous in a new way. He constantly stretches us to let go of “things” and trust that His ways are better. 

At times He does this through finances but so often it’s in very unique ways that could only be Him. 

God never wants the temporal “things” to outweigh Him. He doesn’t want us running after those things so He continually asks us to bless others in need, especially in our lack! For as we step out trusting that He will provide our needs we keep our eyes on the Giver and NOT the gift. 



