We sat outside sipping coffee and munching on the warm cookies Esperanza had baked. The breeze hit us just right as a couple from the mainland shared their vision with passion. It sounded amazing and exciting. Yet we were still brushing off the dust from our much needed remodel and had no intention to move any time soon but all the same it sounded amazing.
A few short weeks after this conversation Dave Norcross, the co-owner of our home, got back from the mainland and shared his own news. We held much excitement for them for we knew God was doing something great in their lives.
As time went by we soon realized the Norcross news greatly affected our future (they feel called to help plant a church in Samoa and feel it is time to sell our house). This part of the news we were not yet ready for. We felt as if we hadn’t completed what God had spoken about the house we lived in. We prayed as a family, pursued different investment opportunities, fasted as a family and asked others for prayer.
Over the next few months God closed one door after another and began to aluminate one path.
“Are you sure Lord?” Confirmations poured in from many prophetic people.
Bruce’s Dad, who had no idea what was happening, shared this “I see trade winds, a shift. Something smaller, teaching, a harvest and this next venture will be something together as if in a three legged race. Bruce and you will be united.”
God also brought to our remembrance what He had spoken while we were in Perth, Australia. He had said go to Hawaii (completed), staff two Family DTS’ (completed), and to help a specific man on the Kona YWAM campus that we knew (completed).
We had done everything God had asked us to do before we came. Yet we still felt that we hadn’t completed what God had showed us about our house that He had miraculously given us (click here). We had also literally just finished fixing some major repairs and had had an incredible man dedicate six weeks of his life to assist us in this major endeavor. There was NO WAY God was asking us to sell this house! Right Lord?
God gently showed us that the vision to host many and to be a place of refuge had NOT changed. But the location didn’t have to be in Kona.
Lord, are you sure? I love living here. My kids have a great school, we have amazing friends, I love our church, Lord …..
God began to speak and I responded:
I got you! I will never leave you nor forsake you. My ways are better then yours. It’s time to teach and pour into the next generation, it’s time Kara, will you trust Me?
But Daddy can’t I do that here? Aren’t I doing that here?
You can do it anywhere Kara but will you go where I call you to?
Yes Lord. Yes. Here I am Lord, send me.
When God speaks it’s time to put away our agenda and say yes Sir. Do I fully understand? NO, I really don’t but His ways are bigger and better than mine. They always are.
So what does this mean?
The couple that we were sipping coffee with in our backyard a few months back was Bryan and Tara Riley. They had been describing how God had given them 400 acres in Siloam Springs, Arkansas to start a YWAM University (UofN). The vision is to start off launching a Discipleship Training School in the Spring of 2023 then they’d like to offer multiple schools on the campus to inspire and equip the next generation of missionaries. So many young people are at a loss in this day in age and the UofN shows them how to find who they are in Christ, how to hear God’s voice and then make God known in all spheres of society.
This new adventure is what inspired us a few months back and after much prayer and confirmations we believe God would like us to join their efforts in the Spring of 2022.
Our emotions are both excited and raw. We had planned on staying in Kona long term. But when God speaks we want to hold our plans lightly trusting that He knows what He is doing! His ways are better than ours! ALWAYS!
Thank you for your prayers in this transition. We want to follow Him completely. Never becoming complacent or unwillingly to go because we are comfortable. Instead we want to always be expectant, excited for Him to move and willing to go when He says go.
May our journey inspire you as well. Some of you may feel as if you are settled but are you where God called you? Or are you just comfortable? Please know that God’s ways are always better than your own and even in the uncertainties of life He will always lead and direct you. Let Him!! He is trustworthy.