Sanders EPIC Mission

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The days had turned into weeks then a month since I had gotten behind the wheel of a car. To some that may not be that big of a deal but to this woman who has grown up in the USA and have had my license since my 16th birthday independence runs deep through my veins.

Choosing when I can go somewhere. Planning out my weeks and being in charge of my own schedule has been my norm since I can remember. And this independent spirit within me was challenged over the last several months.

While in Guatemala City I couldn’t leave the house without a handful of others, not including my kids, due to safety concerns. Ministry was already planned out which was amazing but again we were always in groups.

Then while living in Belize City we lived downtown and did not have our own car. With Bruce’s chronic pain in his foot we could not go far distances so our radius became very small. Again, my independent spirit rose up.

In Mexico we were on a ranch helping with the Family DTS debrief. This ranch was an hour away from any store and again we did not have our own vehicle.

This means four of the five months living out of suitcases I barely drove a vehicle. Now we are back in Arkansas and we don’t have a vehicle again so we are walking and/or getting rides from others.

Wow, I think God is truly going after my independent spirit. So often I have been able to just rely on myself and be in my own bubble. Yet over the last five months we have only had our own vehicle for a month (what a blessing that was). Instead our norm became living in community. All 6 of us usually slept in one bedroom, we shared kitchens and our living room spaces have been within community, our few suitcases have held all our belongings, and in general our own space has been very limited.

Our living room in Belize.

Some would say we are crazy but oh the journey, the experiences, and the incredible connections with others, including our own four beautiful children. We have experienced what many all over the world experience on a day to day basis and even though we have been stretched we would never trade the last 5 months.

Living with others constantly or living in very small quarters really tested our character yet so many incredible conversations were sparked. And sweet moments would of been lost if we had had our own space, our own car, our own time. Instead sharing life with so many, even in close proximity, truly has been an incredible blessing. Even if it has been tough at times.

Today, let’s choose to find ways to get out of our day to day norms and be challenged however God wants us to be challenged. Let’s not let our independence rule our lives but let’s find ways to connect with the body of Christ and allow the Lord to stretch us past our comfort zones.

Prayer Requests.

  • Our family needs a vehicle in Siloam Springs.

  • Housing after December 15th (We plan to be in Arkansas until April 2024 and again the middle of July until Dec 2024).

  • Continued healing for Esperanza’s brain tumor and Bruce’s left foot.

  • More students for the January DTS at YWAM Oak Haven.