Sanders EPIC Mission

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Kingdom of God

Have you ever wondered what the Kingdom of God is? Over the last few years I’ve constantly heard people talking about the Kingdom of God.

One specific person was sharing about the Kingdom of God in regards to witnessing to Muslims. As he spoke my heart leapt. He was using the Kingdom of God to help Muslims understand that they don’t have to become Christians to know Jesus. The reality is Jesus wasn’t even a Christian.

In my head I knew this but to hear this man share these simple truths and utilizing it to bring truth to an entire religious people blew my mind. Jesus came to inspire His people to fully lay down their life and follow Him. He wants His people to not just call themselves “Christians” but to live it out day in and day out.

He wants us to be radicals, shaking up this culture and living in such a way that we believe with our whole hearts He is Lord and His Kingdom is ruling right now. Not in the future but right NOW!

This means as we live our day to day lives we are not living lives to satisfy our flesh and to just get a pay check. But Jesus is calling us to live lives that are fully surrendered to His Lordship. Fully surrendered to what He wants to do with our lives. Not what we want to do but what He wants to do through us. Now!

This means we are giving up our rights to follow our ways and go His way at any and every cost. This is so counter cultural and not what most people mean when they check the box that they are a Christian.

Which is why many, especially Muslims, want nothing to do with Christianity. Too many people have claimed to be Christians and yet proceeded to live their own lives and completely disregard surrendering to the Kingdom of God.

Today as we are going about our daily life Jesus beckons us to pray “Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be done . . . ” Matthew 6:7. Let’s not just say we are “Christians” but let us be a people that are truly living lives with a Kingdom Focus and not a worldly one.