Leaving an inheritance
"OK ladies line up. OK, we are in class. Repeat after me. 'Jesus loves me'." Walking towards our home I see seven Ugandan girls five years and older following ALL of Esperanza's instructions. For the next hour I continue to hear her directing them to sing Jesus songs that she has made up. Can you say we have a 'leader' in the making? Yes, she can come across a little bossy but the fact all the girls were doing everything she told them to do amazes me.
My little Esperanza has become more and more confident since being here. Yes she still can display a serious 'stink face' that we are trying to transform but seeing her lead these girls and many others shows me how much is sinking in. This excites me to see the beginning stages of my little leader developing.
This entire incident reminds me about how important to raise our child up in the ways of the Lord and how important it is for them to see us doing what God has called us to do. They are little sponges. During our DTS something was said hit me to my core. What inheritance are you leaving? Not earthly inheritance but spiritual inheritance?
My hope is I will leave such an inheritance that both my children instantly have faith for the impossible. That they will believe God's word with no questions and are ready to follow the call of God wherever that ends up. That they will not look at the obstacles but instead constantly look to our God who is mighty and able!
This last week my children have seen us pray for many as we've done door to door evangelism. They have seen us serve others in the community that have had random needs. They have witnessed us praying for someone and when we opened our eyes we were surrounded by many children all sitting down. Gryphin and I proceeded to teach them some Bible songs and I shared a children's story.
Our children have also witnessed us praying for multiple blind boys and I was able to give them a word of encouragement. Even though no one received their sight that day they were able to see our faith in action.
They also got to experience some treasure hunting. As we walked around in the community we asked God for a divine appointment (a meeting with someone that God had already begun speaking to). As we walked Bruce got this vision of a water hole we had seen multiple times. This water hole many used to wash their cars, gather water for their homes, bathe in and wash their clothes.
We prayed and the closer we got we could see about ten men sitting under a shaded area. We began to chat with a few of them and as we spoke one of them revealed that they needed prayer for healing in their chest. As we prayed the Lord also revealed that this man was a leader and God was calling him to step into his calling. As we spoke you could see his eyes light up. Bruce then proceeded to encourage the man to dig into the word of God because this is where he will find life and guidance.
Both of our children were a part of each of these experiences as well as school and Sunday school ministries. One specific school we worked with children that are sponsored by Compassion International. We taught them some basic skills like First Aid, Sanitation, Inner Healing, etc.
What inheritance are you leaving? Is God challenging you to give up something so you can leave behind a Godly inheritance? Life gets so busy but remember your children are watching and you have an incredible opportunity to leave them an inheritance that will last.