Sanders EPIC Mission

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A couple nights ago we sat in a room with many who came to hear about living a life of generosity. Stories were shared and so many had heartfelt desires to live in such a way that “stuff” is not what consumes us.

It was a powerful reminder that everything is the Lords. We are just stewards of the things God has blessed us with. And we are not called to hold these worldly possessions so tightly that our focus becomes fixated on the gifts instead of the Giver. 

God has been so generous to us through others and then He so often has called us to be a conduit to give those same finances to others He puts in our path. 

We have learned that everything belongs to the Lord and we can’t hold anything too tightly. For one day we will see Jesus face to face and He won’t ask us what “things” have we acquired but He’s going look into our heart. Will He find that “worldly possessions” have consumed us? Or have we been faithful with what He has given us and He truly is Lord over our whole heart?

My prayer for each of us is that the gifts God blesses us with never become a stumbling block. Instead we will always recognize them for what they are “gifts” that come and go. And that we can ALL live a life of generosity because He is the ultimate Giver!!

Our family arrives back in Arkansas on September 26th to help co-lead a Discipleship Training School. The transmission of the car we had before we left Arkansas in May went out so we have no car when we return. Please pray for a miracle car story.