Esperanza turned to me and asked. “Mom what’s the scripture about God being my refuge?”

“Hmm let me look.” I started searching the web on my phone as my body bounced around in the back of the ambulance. I named off a few different Bible verses.

“No, the one you always quote about trusting God.” Esperanza stated.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

“Yeah that’s it.” Esperanza turned back towards the ambulance wall as she bounced about on the stiff gurney.

Oh how I wish my sweet girl was strengthening her own faith another way but at the same time thankful for her desire to turn to the Lord in this unknown season!

Let me back up. Three days ago Esperanza started having an intense headache. Pain medicine did not help. The following day she vomited but seemed to be doing a little better. She however continued to have a headache so we scheduled an appointment with her Optometrist.

Today the Optometrist came back with news we did not want to hear. Her optic nerve is swollen and we needed to go to the ER for a MRI.

Tears instantly sprang to my eyes and spilled over. My heart ached. It’s been nine years since she has had to do anything besides MRI follow ups.

Not now!! I’m so tired of her getting hit every time our family steps out in faith.

But I’m the mom I can’t loose it. I need to keep my cool so I suck up my tears. We get in the car and head to the ER at the Children’s Hospital. After a 1.5 hour heart wrenching MRI we were finally back in the hospital room waiting for the results.

We finished our movie and I started to look for another one to help pass the time. As I looked Esperanza said. “Mom can we please pray?” “Oh honey I haven’t stopped praying but yes let’s pray!!”

God encouraged both of us as we waited on Him and interceded for His healing power.

Multiple hours later and the doctor came in. The look in her eyes told me I was not going to enjoy her news. She went on to tell us that Esperanza’s tumor has grown since the last MRI in October and that we needed to take an ambulance to the children’s hospital in Little Rock.

Wait . . . An ambulance? Little Rock is three hours away. What exactly do they need to do? Questions started to swirl. Tears were filling my eyes again. Chocking them back I asked more follow questions but to be completely honest I still don’t understand what they are going to do. What I understand is they need to relieve the pressure in her head and then determine next steps with the tumor.

Just writing this makes my eyes fill with tears. But I write this because I believe in the power of prayer! I believe that if we “Keep asking He will give us what we ask for. Keep seeking and we will find. Keep knocking and the doors will be opened to us!” Matthew 7:7

So my plead to you and everyone you know please pray for my sweet girl. We’ve been praying for a miracle for nine years and it’s time for us to see it. God told me he’d heal Esperanza before we knew what was wrong with her in 2014. And in 2015 Bruce felt like she’d be healed when she was old enough for it to be her own faith. So today I ask that you join with us in faith so that we will all see a miracle .




Yes WE are Moving.