Sanders EPIC Mission

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Nine years

There were so many unknowns stirring in our hearts as Bruce, Esperanza, Gryphin, Taylor (our nephew) and I were getting ready to board that plane to Kona, HI on this day nine years ago. We only had one partner who had committed $50 a month, enough funds to pay the three month YWAM Discipleship Training School (DTS) lecture fee and a few pieces of luggage that held our personal belongings. We didn’t have a clue how we would pay for our outreach fees or where we would go after the five month DTS or how we would financially live.

Our nerves were shot from the journey leading up to this point. Only 3.5 months prior Esperanza had undergone brain surgery where they had taken 70% of a tumor out of her head. And only days before this moment we had learned she had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. We had also lost our 32 week old son, Bruce had been in a car accident and had totaled our car, just to name a few items.

So much devastation and yet we had faith! We had heard God and we knew that we could trust Him. We knew that where He would guide He would provide.

Now nine years to the day later we continue to walk out this journey of faith. We continue to trust that our loving Savior will ask us to get out of the boat and that as we trust Him we will have opportunities after opportunities to walk on water.

Over the last nine years we have seen God show up in crazy miraculous ways. And we’ve have had opportunities to share His goodness and faithfulness with people in Uganda, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, Mexico, Cameroon, India, Kona, Belize, and Guatemala.

God has provided and He continues to direct us every step of the way. So even though we once again embark on another crazy adventure (click here) and our resources are being stretched we know God is in the midst. We know that we can trust Him to show us every step to take and that He will not guide us along any path that we can’t handle.

Does this mean we will not face trials, obviously not. Today Esperanza had her follow up MRI from her brain surgery two weeks ago (we don’t have final results yet). Trials just seem to come with the territory as we walk out in faith. And it is always hard when it affects your own children.

But God. He is faithful and I am so glad that we trusted Jesus nine years ago rather then giving into fear. Too often people can miss out on some incredible faith filled stories because they have decided to play it safe. But God didn’t call us to play it safe. He called us to lives of radical obedience. So when the wind and the waves come crashing down we can lean in. We can trust that Jesus will walk with us, so we are never alone, no mater what comes our way.

Today, please take a moment to reflect. Is there an adventure God is beckoning you to join Him in? If so please don’t shrink back in fear. Instead my hope is you will be encouraged by what God has done over the last 9 years in our lives! He has been faithful! And the more each of us trust Him at all costs, especially when it doesn’t make sense to the “real world” He will blow our minds. He provides pathways in the desserts and streams in the wasteland. Let us trust the Living Creator of the World. He is faithful!