Purposed with His Love

Nine years ago God gave our family an assignment to bring the gospel to the Nations. To make the Father known on a deep tangible level that people would connect with and be inspired to pursue. Hopefully it would be the legacy our kids held most dear to them. A story filled with beautiful moments of restoring relationships to the Father of the Universe. Allowing His spirit to strengthen us. And that it would no longer be just our legacy but our kids would also take the torch one day and light the earth afire with the love of Jesus.  

We’ve known the hardship of a weary world hungry for peace. We’ve known the heartache of innocence dying before our eyes. Counting the breaths on a single hand. We’ve experienced the mountainous jubilation of Jesus rescuing the wounded, the marginalized, the unseen and the lost causes of humanity. A triumph all the gold in the world couldn’t make cupid aware of. 

When The Lord tells us to go we’ve always said yes Daddy, send us. Having to set aside the immeasurable admiration and love for friends and community we had cultivated with such warm affection and unyielding hope. It’s a price we can’t quantify. But gladly we’d pay it again and again to follow Jesus. 

While living in the beautiful miracle home God provided us in Hawaii (click here) He put Pensacola Florida on my (Bruce) heart. I got a strong sense God was saying that it was going to be home one day. I didn’t understand it. We were doing everything he called us to right where we were in Hawaii. So I stuffed it away. But our Daddy put it in my heart for a reason, He had a purpose for planting it in my heart. For two and half years I’ve wrestled with God on this. Praying for clarity in the vision for our family. Praying for understanding of His purpose in this. 

In the last three months God has begun to open doors and show us why Pensacola was where we would be making a lasting launching pad for bringing families into the mission field.  That our kids would be apart of Kings Kids (a YWAM affiliate) serving and ministering to at risk youth in the community around us as well as abroad. Showing other families how to inspire their children to be the next generation of believers sharing the healing love of Jesus though the gospel.

In the future (when children are a little older) Pensacola will also be where Kara would fulfill the vision God gave her (over 8 years ago) to start a year long DTS for at-risk youth. And that Pensacola would be where I would build a community with other believers who were called to tell God’s stories though media. 

You’ve probably connected the dots already. But in case you haven’t we are moving to Pensacola Florida April 24th. We are very much looking forward to how God is calling us into a deeper relationship with Him in this next step. Another impossible step of faith. But He is good and always provides for those who love him. The last nine years is a testament to His faithfulness of love, healing, purpose and provision. We look forward to inspiring families to break out of their comfort zones. We are excited to pour out the Fathers love on the forgotten, the abused and the unloved youth of today. Please pray for us as we step out into our longterm home. God bless you.

Prayer Requests:

  • We need funds to purchase a car. At the end of April we do not have a car (click here to partner with us).

  • Continued prayer that the tumor in Esperanza’s head will disappear.

  • Continued healing for Bruce’s sub-tailor joint and foot.

  • Protection and favor as we prepare to move.


Yes WE are Moving.

