Sanders EPIC Mission

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Top Hat

Two nights before Halloween our family sat in silence. We wanted to hear God’s heart. He had asked us to join YWAM downtown to give out glow sticks to our local community, sharing that Jesus is the true Light. We were expecting 3,000 kids. WOW!

As a family that doesn’t celebrate Halloween I was a little nervous at what images my kids would be exposed to. Would there be gruesome costumes that could cause them nightmares? Yet we knew the Lord had said to go and be His light.

So again back to two nights before Halloween. Our family prayed and waited. Was there something specific God wanted to share? Were there specific people that needed to know that God sees them and loves them?

A few moments later and each of us shared what God had spoken.

Kara-top hat, brokenness.
Gryphin-Alex, mine craft  costume of Steve.
Amara-Treat people how you want to be treated.
We preached to a family & the next year they came out and preached the gospel.
Zoe-someone was getting Halloween stuff it was bad.
Esperanza-Lily need to pray for healing over her body.
Bruce-mask (blackish) with green spiked hair strange teeth.

The day arrived and excitement was in the air. Hundreds lined the streets getting candy from the local businesses downtown Siloam Springs. And then there was YWAM (Youth With A Mission), located right in the middle of town sitting on the hill. Worship music blaring, prayer sign shinning, hot chocolate brewing and light sticks waving.

We were ready.

Our team handed out over 2,500 glow sticks and over 700 cups of hot chocolate before we ran out. God’s light was shinning through each of our incredible staff.

Then I saw him. The boy with a Top Hat. As he drew near Zoe and I we gave him a light stick and told him Jesus loves him. I then proceeded to explain that God showed him to me two nights prior. God sees him. After asking if I could pray for him I laid hands on him and interceded!

God had shown up! This child of God knew he was special and that he had been seen by the Living God!

Later that night and I was speaking with a family who was inspired by our actions. They said they felt this was something they were to do next year, to share the love of Christ with others.

Amara’s word was confirmed.

So powerful for our children to know that even in the midst of some darker places God’s light illuminates. At times we may want to avoid certain places to “protect” our children and yet God says:


Go to the darkness and bring His glorious light!!

Praise Reports

  • Esperanza’s MRI came back and her tumor is stable. We can go another year before we have another MRI.

Prayer Requests

  • A car that fits all 6 of us (Our car needs a transmission & cost more to fix it then it’s worth).

  • Healing over Esperanza’s tumor.

  • Healing for Bruce’s foot.

  • DTS students for our February 5th school.