Sanders EPIC Mission

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Will They Remember?

During our mom and daughter date a couple days ago Esperanza and I sat chatting about the last three months. The breeze fluttered over our faces, the Belizean jungle trees swayed and we chatted as we sipped our mango smoothy. My sassy, strong twelve year old girl sat there contemplating the past and the future. Listening to her perspective I couldn’t help but wonder what our children will remember from the last three months.

Coming off the plane into Guatemala City. The city lights shinning, the piercing honks from multiple vehicles filling the evening sky, the massive billboards lining the streets or the hustle and bustle of the Guatemalan traffic. Or would they remember the first time when we walked the streets of Guatemala with the YWAM DTS students heading to a “Megapaca” (a secondhand store)?

Arriving back to the YWAM base, fragrant smells of Guatemalan rice and beans with sweet plantains permeated the air. With excitement and nervousness the next day all our kids shared their drama about sin and the power of the cross to a group of city kids. Amara and Zoe found themselves however becoming timid in front of all the children who sat staring with their big brown eyes.

What about when we entered Antigua? The volcanos loomed above as we went into the heart of the city. Or the times they helped lead a drama for the Guatemalan women in their English classes. Esperanza and Gryphin had both worked hard at coming up with a skit that would be easy enough for these women to understand.

Everyone but Gryphin became timid when a group of local kids showed up for children ministry. But as they watched Gryphin jump in fully engaged the girls slowly began to help with the games, face painting and crafts.

Street evangelism stretched them as we hung out in the square of Antigua waiting for the Lord to speak to us and show us who to minister to. Gryphin multiple times stepped out of his comfort zone and laid hands on many, pleading with the Lord for healing and/or salvation.

The scorching heat in San Jose as they worked hard at learning the Kings Kids dances. Sweat poured down their faces as they jumped and grooved. And those waves. Wow, now those were some scary waves crashing down that none of us were expecting. Multiple times the kids were wiped out at the edge of such powerful waves. Soon they decided the waves were too much.

Oh but the excitement penetrated their hearts as we headed back to the Guatemala City airport to pick up two families from Arkansas, now that they will remember. Even before their friends were safely in the van they chatted continuously telling them all about the previous three weeks.

Would they remember the testimonies they saw their Dad capture? Would they remember the multiple times their Mother preached? The times when we laid hands on the sick or the look in the eyes of those who received Bibles, would they remember why we went to Guatemala in the first place?

What about when we learned our plans to go to India had been canceled and we didn’t know where we would go for half our summer? Would they remember how God showed up in a miraculous way at the last moment and sent us to Belize (click here to read details)?

Would they remember the fun times as a family playing in the water and exploring parts of Belize few get to ever see? Or the moment Esperanza decided to surrender her life fully to Christ and get water baptized.

The first time entering Belize City with the shacks lining the road, the stench of the sewer in front of multiple homes, the homeless that laid on the street or the pain seen in so many peoples eyes. Would they remember the summer camps they attended as the only white child amongst a sea of black and hispanic faces? Or the friends they gravitated to and wanted to spend as much time with as possible?

Would they remember eating on the floor of our two room 400 square foot living quarters and utilizing the bathroom sink for our kitchen sink as well? Or the ants that over took their cereal? Or the cockroaches that were found by the garbage cans? Then there were the lizards that were almost as long as Zoe and the geckos that would stare you down from the ceiling.

What about the miraculous provision of a space to stay at in Esperanza Village? With a property to play on and chickens to chase while their parents tirelessly worked on creating a website for the ministry they served in Belize City.

Or will they remember the Mayan ruins, the roaming horses, or the stray dogs? Or the time they got to introduce the ministry from Belize City to YWAM Belize an hour and a half away?

The multiple people they got to pray for and for all those their parents laid hands on. The countless times God used their entire family to speak prophetically into people’s situations and break off strongholds.

So many memories to capture. What will they remember? I’m not exactly sure but out of it all I hope they remember how God showed up. And that their parents followed Him with all their heart! Even when there were hard and stretching moments. That there are some incredible people all over the world and God has a plan for everyone of them.

Thank you to all of you that have been partnering with us. Tomorrow we head to Mexico and we are excited to see what more God will do!

Prayer Needs

  • Favor with the ministry Water Walkers that we helped build a website for and applied for them to become a USA 501(c)3.

  • A car for when we arrive back to Arkansas September 26th (ours broke down right before we left Arkansas).

  • The DTS Kara is supposed to assist with this fall.

  • Monthly partners. Click Here if you’d like to partner.