“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” Matthew 28:19

Sharing God’s Faithfulness

Kara Sanders has had multiple public speaking opportunities since 2008. In 2015 God made it clear that she is called to share her faith and inspire others all around the world. Since then she has spoken at big and small churches, women ministries, multiple combined church wide events, Youth With a Mission (YWAM) meetings/classrooms and so much more. These speaking engagements have been in Washington state, Arkansas, Hawaii, Uganda, Cameroon, Guatemala, and Belize.

If you are interested in having her come to your location to share please feel free to contact her.

The Call.

Kara Sanders shares a 4 minute inspirational message about God’s call. You too have a call of God on your life! Take the leap and follow what He is speaking.

Fighting fear.

Watch this 3.5 minute video on how to fight fear. You will be inspired and encouraged as you take the time to watch.


Kara Sanders preaching at Seattle Foursquare Church on Intercession. Listen as she encourages people to follow the Lord and put Him first in all things.