
Why do we at times act as if our “church” or denomination is the best?

My entire being hates “Religion”! It causes people to do crazy things. Rules get put in place to control people and create a list of “do’s” and “don’t”. And yet those are the exact kind of people that Jesus rebuked, Pharisees and Sadducees. People that lived by rules rather than by the Spirit. 

Walking by the Spirit can feel messy and out of control at times but oh so rewarding. The Spirit loves to pursue the body of Christ and whoo them into deeper intimacy with the Father. He wants the chains of religion to be stripped away and our expectations for ourselves and others to be completely done away with. For it is by grace we have been saved (Ephesians 2:8-9) not by works. 

There are so many incredible people in all denominations. Are they missing some theology or are there things I may not agree with? Of course, but I am certain there are areas I can grow in and learn from others as well. When we get so caught up in our denominational lines we miss out on just having a relationship with the living God. Instead we start arguing and complaining about silly things that do not determine our salvation. 

Over the last 9 and a half years being in missions we have been a part of so many different kinds of churches and denominations. We have witnessed services where people are getting slain in the Spirit, where other Churches are singing from hymnals. We have witnessed churches in African countries, Asian, Australia, underground churches, mega churches, house churches and so much more. And everywhere we have been we have seen the body of Christ exemplified. Different expressions that bring Him glory. 

So why is Jesus’ church so divided? Why do we have so many people acting as if their way is the only way? Jesus stated very clearly that “everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35).

Am I saying that theology doesn’t mater? No way. There are some topics I feel very certain on because I have studied the Word of God and He has shown me specific things that have allowed me to have a deeper relationship with Him. But am I now going to create my own religion based on that? If God didn’t tell me to do that then no. Instead I am going to find ways to love and to love deeply! Because love is what covers over a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). 

Those that have rocked my world the most are those that have loved me very deeply even if I did not agree with them. They loved me in the midst of the disagreement and then they lived out their faith with authenticity. As I witnessed their faith in action it challenged my own belief. But did I instantly change my belief? No I began to do my own research. We are blessed to have access to the Word of God and we have the opportunity to dig into it and find out what the Word of God is saying. But don’t just take what people say as your truth but own what it is that God is speaking to your heart. 

At the same time however be willing to be teachable. We are all on a journey of discovery and the Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). As we soak in the presence of God and allow His scripture to wash over us we will be completely transformed on a daily basis. For He has called us to be transformed from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). 

My prayer for all of us today is to live out our Christian walk with fear in trembling (Philippians 2:12) for we are all but dust of this earth, clay in the potters hand. We only know a sliver of who Yahweh is! And depending upon our filter that sliver will look differently than someone else.  Does that mean either person is wrong? Well who are we to judge? 

As long as you repent of your sin, confess that Jesus is the son of God who died for your sins and He was raised to new life so we can live with Him into eternity (John 3:16). Do I believe in speaking in tongues, healings, etc? Yes!! I completely believe in the power of Christ and His Holy Spirit!! 

But if someone doesn’t speak in tongues or doesn’t believe in people being able to be healed are they not saved? Does the Word of God say that? No! The Word of God does not say you are going to hell if you don’t speak in tongues or don’t believe in healing people. 

So over my Christian journey I have quickly realized that God has called me to be an authentic lover of Jesus, live my faith out loud and love others as Christ loved me! As I love and love people well the Holy Spirit will set up Devine appointments to share more about who Jesus is. And if people want to know more we will chat but if not I will plant the seed God asks me to plant and move on. I am called to only do what the Father has asked me to do. 

Today, please don’t get caught up in promoting your denomination. Instead get caught up in loving like Jesus loved!! Forgive like Jesus forgave and allow Him to transform You daily, even if He uses someone from a different denomination or no denomination at all to inspire you to draw closer to Him! Let’s choose to be a part of the WHOLE BODY OF CHRIST!

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No Good Men

