Not long after arriving in Pensacola the Lord asked us to set our priorities straight before jumping into ministry. What exactly did He mean? We thought our priorities were straight. Yet there was something missing.
Yes we spent a lot of time together as a family, even doing family missions. We started homeschooling our kids last year because we were on the road so much and we have desperately tried to keep an environment that our children could thrive. Yet there was still something missing.
We have family prayer every night, read the Bible together at least once a week and practice hearing God’s voice together. Yet there was still something missing.
What was it?
We were missing those one on one conversations. Those sweet moments where our children felt heard without competing for our attention with one of their other siblings. Regular moments that they can rely on and look forward to. Moments they can learn how they are to be treated as a lady or a man. Moments that give them opportunities to share intimate details, ask heart probing questions, have undivided playful moments and so much more.
Therefore, soon after arriving in Pensacola we started dating our children. Once a week on the same day and time we take turns. One week Bruce will take Esperanza, the next week I will take Gryphin, and so on.
Each of our children have their own unique characteristics and different needs. Some talk a lot the entire time. Others want to do something active. Still others want to window shop and talk. Our budget is low so they are not overly elaborate outings but they give us time to connect. Time to hear their heart and create special 1:1 memories.
Now that is what we were missing. Or was there more?
You got it. Our marriage dates.
When you have four children. Having one on one quality conversations are few and far between. It can be easy to stop cultivating intimate and deep conversations. But God wants us to have more. He wants us to love being together. To share what’s going on in our hearts not just the schedule for the day. To keep connected so that when the kids do leave the nest we still love being together. And we still have things in common.
These dates have also give us time to really pray and intercede together for our marriage, kids, or other situations we are facing. Such a vital and important piece to our marriage.
But wait, there is more. Yes we have turned our closet into our prayer room and have spent countless hours soaking in God’s presence during our quiet time. But He wants more. He wants us to date Him as well. Not just the morning devotionals but deep intimate moments that capture our heart and His.
Ministry is great and quiet times are amazing but to date the Lord is so much sweeter and intimate. May we never loose our first love. And may we never stop dating our spouse, our children or our sweet Savior. Let us never get to the point where we become bored or complacent.
Today are your priorities straight? Are you dating your spouse regularly? How about your children? And most importantly are you dating Jesus?