Sanders EPIC Mission

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Awe Struck

As the thunder roared and the lightening struck I had a new compassion for the people of Israel. There they stood, unprotected, in a new land and the skies were lit up with flashes of lighting and their ears exploded with the piercing sounds of thunder. No where to hide. No where to run. Their knees shook and their hearts pounded in their chest.

Who was this living and powerful God they were following. Fear gripped them and they asked Moses to speak on their behalf.

Do I have this awe struck fear of our God? Or have I become complacent by putting him in a box and making him tame in my mind?

God is anything but tame. He’s anything but the majestic and powerful creator of the earth! He lives and moves and has His being in the earth. Do we see Him? Are we captivated and awe struck by the POWERFUL creator of the universe? Am I mesmerized and in awe of who He is?

Jesus don’t let me ever forget who You really are. You are the One who told the ocean where to stop. You are the one who spoke and there was life. How can I ever doubt? How can I not stop and stand in awe at the creator of the Universe?

Let me be awe struck!