
We sprawled across our couches and floor while sipping coffee. Our kids played happily all around us and throughout our house. It was a casual conversation, getting to know one another better, while being interrupted every few minutes from a child who had a need of some kind.

One question however stood out above the rest.

"Are there really still unreached people groups?" One woman asked non-chalantly.

I sat for a moment in shock.

I replied.

"Yes, there most definitely are."

The world our family has been entrenched in for the last almost 8 years knows full well that there are many unreached people groups. Many areas that the name of Jesus is illegal to be even spoken of and entire villages have never heard the gospel.

One specific location states on their visa page ""Foreigners entering X with the tourist visa are not permitted to engage in any kind of conversion work. Such activity will be considered a violation of visa norms and will result in a fine and entry ban."

Many countries like this one have closed their boarders to the gospel and believers all over the country are fleeing or being deported.

However, in many Western countries we take for granted the gift we have to preach and share the name of Jesus with anyone we choose. We can be walking down the street and if the Lord prompts us to pray for someone we can ask to pray for them without the fear of getting fined or deported.

We are so blessed. My prayer for all of us is that we won't take this freedom for granted. Instead, today as we read this blog we will ask the Lord what we are to do with this Spiritual freedom? How are we to utilize this gift? There are many that have never heard the name of Jesus. What are we to do about that?

We all have a part to play. Let's do our part.


Awe Struck


Thrive not just survive