Thrive not just survive
Every day life keeps going if we like it or not. We however have a choice to make. Are we going to thrive or are we just going to survive.
Jesus says He came so we can have life and live abundantly (John 10:10). Yet how often do we find our life amongst the mundane? Going to work, accomplishing household chores, etc. Jesus is beckoning us to live more! To walk in His abundance with an expectant heart so we can thrive.
What are some ways we can accomplish this?
First, He is crying out to us to spend regular quiet moments with Him. This way He can show us how much He loves and adores us. When we know we are desperately loved by the creator of the universe we feel complete. Not lacking anything.
This completeness allows us to not compare ourselves with others. It allows us to be content with where and who we are. It brings us freedom and sets us up to thrive.
Secondly, obey His voice. This may mean we need to forgive someone or ask for forgiveness. Or He is asking us to stop spending our time and resources on things that bring Him displeasure. Or maybe it's an area of pride and God is asking us to lay our pride down.
He has so many incredible plans that allow us to thrive right where we are planted. But if we don't obey Him we miss out on some of the most incredible thriving adventures.
Lastly, we are called to Fear Not. This means when God says GO or step out of our comfort zone we cannot delay. Fear should have no place in our lives. The Lord spoke this over and over again to Joshua (Joshua 8:1) and He is speaking the same thing to us now. Fear not, trust Him with it all so we can possess His promise land for our lives.
If we shrink back in fear we show that we don't trust that He is good. It tells Him and others that we don't believe He will do what His Word says.
Let's stop letting fear control us. Instead let's jump all in and embrace all that God has in store for us.
My heart cry for you and me is to fully thrive in this life that God has placed in front of us! He is worth it. His plans are GOOD!