Bali in a nutshell

"The lights from the strip danced across the street as I watched in horror. A girl, no older then 12 with a look of intense fear smeared across her makeup painted face, held tightly to the back of a motor bike. The motorbike carried this terrified young girl from one brothel to the next just a few short blocks away. Her deep brown eyes filled with panic, fear and trembling will forever be seared in my memory." - Bruce

The last couple of weeks Bruce has been busily taking the footage he captured in Bali to assist in creating awareness tools for the School of Communication. Therefore, I am writing his update.

The 17 days Esperanza and Bruce spent in Bali were eye opening as they captured interview after interview. Their eyes were opened to a side of Bali that no tourist wants to see. Bali is an extremely high Australian tourist destination. Yet few would ever realize that children over and over again are being exploited as each tourist enjoys their vacation pleasures.

Bruce's role on this team was to be their cameraman. So he captured multiple interviews and b-roll footage. He also joined the group in prayer walking around Bali. They also visited safe houses and prayed over brothels.

Esperanza was a trooper as the team captured interview after interview. Many interviews were close to a beach so she did get to enjoy some fun water time.

Before the trip to Bali her and Gryphin had made cookies. We then had proceeded to sell them at an Australian football game across the street from our house. This money was then utilized by Esperanza to purchase toys in Bali. These toys she got to distribute to children who were forced to labor for 10 hours a day by poor parents to beg on the streets. The children surrounded her as she gave each of them a toy.  It was obvious that besides swimming this was definitely her highlight.

Now Bruce and Esperanza have been back two weeks and Bruce has been busy helping create media tools for the media campaign that will take place the end of November. I've also helped the team with a few media tools and have assisted in getting them some places to share what they've learned. We will be sending out these materials the end of this month.

Thank you all for your continual prayers!! The awareness campaign will be hosted the end of November and your prayers will be vital for it to be a success.


God’s protection


Blunders of a missionary mom