Blunders of a missionary mom

 It was Friday afternoon and street evangelism was in full swing. I however was feeling a little frazzled. Bruce was with his class once again and I would be taking the kids out on my own with one other lady from the Priceless team. We received our instructions and we were off. 

Kids were fighting with each other in regards to who was sitting where in the stroller and I was playing referee. Oh the joy. Was I really ready to share the good news of Jesus Christ? 

Finally kids were settled and we had arrived at our location. We looked around for who we were to share with. One man stood out above the rest. And my team member and I knew we needed to speak to this homeless man eating his dinner on the grass. 

We went over and started up a conversation. Our first order of business was to ask him some basic questions in regards to what he would like in a drop in center (one of the staff with YWAM wants to start one up). Then we started to get to know him. 

As we listened to the homeless man's story both children sat quietly eating a snack. Oh this was good ..... Or was it? 

Gryphin seemed so content as he chewed away yet . . . Wait, he hadn't touched his snack at all. What then was in his mouth?  

I placed my hand under Gryphin's mouth and asked him to spew out the item that he was so contently chopping on. As Gryphin opened his mouth black rubber fell into my hands. What was this? This wasn't anything I had seen before. Wait, was that plastic ear buds? I didn't have ear buds.

Turning my gaze towards the location my son was at I soon realized where these mysterious earbuds came from. Yes as you probably guessed it, these dripping earbuds were from the homeless man we were ministering to. 

Agh .... This was SO wrong on so many levels. 

As I dried off the homeless man's ear buds and put them back on his headphones I apologized profusely. The homeless man waved his hand saying it was no problem at all. He continued his story and I went about engaging. Yet the whole time I was thinking about how I could disinfect my sons mouth.

Moments later and Esperanza started to do the potty dance. I looked around noticing other YWAMers close by that could keep an eye on my Priceless teammate as I dashed to the nearest bathroom. 

Sprinting to the bathroom with my two kids we entered in this massive electronic door operated bathroom downtown. Meaning you push a button that slides the door open, then classical music starts and the lights come on automatically. As we get settled in I try to close the door. Yet the door sensor wasn't working but after a couple tries it finally shut.

We did our business and then moments later we were ready to get out of the bathroom But to our dismay the electronic doors would not budge. I pressed the sensors, waved my hands, and even jumped up and down. But nothing. We were trapped in this 10 foot by 10 foot bathroom that blared classical music. 

My poor daughter who has anxiety issues in small spaces starts to panic. Minutes begin to pass by. I called a few people we had come with but everyone else was deep in conversations sharing the gospel. 

What was I going to do? We were stuck and the stench was starting to take its toil on my pregnant nostrils. One more time I messed with the sensors. But this time the sensors did their job and the doors slowly began to glide open. Relief flooded over me and we headed back to the homeless man. 

Kids by this point had a little more energy and wanted to run. Conversations continued but my attention was diverted as I kept looking over my shoulder for my children. Amazingly he didn't seem to mind. As the conversation started to come to a close, I rounded up my kiddos so we could lay hands on him and pray.  

One person down and my prego self was exhausted. It was time for a nap. I felt bad for my teammate but evangelism was over. 

Awh, thank goodness for God's grace as we walk out His calling! He knows our hearts and uses us even in the midst of our shortcomings. 


Bali in a nutshell


Big announcement