
Per our family’s norm we sat down on our couch right before bed to pray.

Every night looks a little different in the sense that what we pray for varies. Some nights we wait on the Lord and pray for others that the Lord puts on our heart. At times we ask the Lord for pictures, words, etc to encourage them. Other times we pray for each other, for world events, etc. Sometimes these moments are led by Bruce or I. Other times a child leads them.

In these moments we’ve heard our children have profound prophetic words for people that have blown our minds. Many times they have unlocked things in people’s hearts and opened doors into people’s world so we can share their burdens. It’s been so powerful to see how God can speak to our kids. Even though they are all under 11 years old.

Last night, during our prayer times, we all snuggled on the couch. Since it was my birthday it was my turn to be put on the “hot seat”. Meaning everyone prayed and got words for me for this next year.

Bruce and each child shared their word, scripture, and/or picture. Some totally resonated and made me excited others didn’t completely make sense. But I wrote them all down and will treasure them, for my kids are learning to hear God’s voice.

As I sat waiting for the Lord to speak to them I got a single Word for this next year.


I felt the Lord speak clearly that He was going to bring more clarity this next season. Then this morning as I had my quiet time that word came back. I started to reflect on the last 8 years in missions and realized I’ve been a part of so many different things. Bruce has always been singular focus in the sense that he feels called to share God’s true character and nature in people’s lives through media.

Where I’ve done so many different things. But as I began to reflect I realized there was a common theme. Every place we’ve gone I’ve been a part of pioneering something. In Hawaii I helped a team pioneer their work in Cameron with their Ending Bible Poverty initiative and launching a nonprofit to engage professionals in Cameron in their own relationship with the Lord.

In Australia I helped pioneer a home for homeless girls. And in Arkansas I helped pioneer a hybrid school for community families.

It was such a fresh moment of revelation. I’ve been a part of multiple other ministries over the last eight years while also raising our four beautiful children but my primary gifting in regards to ministry is pioneering.

So what does that exactly mean? I’m not completely sure but I’m excited for this next year as the Lord unfolds exactly what He meant by this word “clarity”.

What is your word or scripture for this next year? If you haven’t asked yet I’d encourage you to do so. It’s so easy to get caught up in our day to day lives that we forget that God has something specific for us.

Prayer Requests

  • Continued healing for Esperanza’s brain tumor and Bruce’s sub tailor joint/foot.

  • Funds for trip to Guatemala and to an unreached location to help pioneer a Christian school. (Click here)

  • Funds for media equipment for Bruce to share God’s testimonies in people’s lives (Click here).

  • Clarity for this next season.


Stepping Out


Walking in Forgiveness