Stepping Out

In 31 days our family will be embarking on another adventure of a life time.

Every time we say “YES” to Jesus it reminds me of the part in the movie Indiana Jones where they had come to a cliff. There seemed to be no way to get across. And yet they knew it was the only way to go. So he stepped out in faith. As he did he stepped onto a bridge that was there all along, they just couldn’t see it.

That has been our faith journey. Eight years ago God called us to step out into the unknown. He said to sell/give everything away, fully surrendering to the journey that lies ahead as we tightly hold onto Him. He said to step out and He would reveal the path.

Reveal the path is exactly what He has done. Over and over again God has opened doors, provided, directed and so much more. In the midst of all uncertainties He has been faithful

This next month our first step of faith is to Guatemala where we will be leading a team of families from Arkansas on a mission trip. None of the children coming with us have ever been outside the United States. We are so excited to share our love for missions with these Arkansas families and to inspire those in Guatemala to passionately follow Jesus.

We then embark on a couple new faith journeys. Details are vague for a reason but if you’d like more information please feel free to contact me (click here).

With each of these faith journeys we are believing the bridge will come into view as we need to take that next step. It would be lovely if God would show us the whole bridge but He has always been faithful to show us one piece at a time.

Currently we have boughten our tickets to Guatemala and have tickets a quarter of the way to our next location. And we have part of our funds for our day to day costs. Some would say moving forward without all the money is reckless especially with four children but we are excited. Excited to see God step in and get the glory as we follow Him. Excited that our own children’s faith will be stretched as we cry out to the Living God for a miracle and as we allow them to see it come to furition.

A huge cry of our heart is to raise up this next generation to trust the Lord with unwavering faith. How else to do that then to follow the Lord at any cost and allow them to see how faithful He is as the Living God.

Therefore, in 31 days we embark on another faith journey and are excited to see how He will reveal each step.

Love to have you partner with us in prayer and if God speaks to your heart we’d be blessed by your financial gift as well (click here)!!

What journey are you on? Is it a journey that is drawing you closer to the Lord? Is it a journey that inspires others to trust God for the impossible or have you become complacent?

Following the Lord always involves action. Not necessarily always to go to the ends of the earth but to listen and obey. Maybe you are called to start up a Bible study in your neighborhood or go visit the elderly or pray for someone specifically.

Either way God wants our FULL YES! Together let’s press in and see the Living God move in our lives as we step out in faith.


Are we coming back?

