Are we coming back?

Many have asked “Are we coming back to Arkansas this fall?”

As a family we have been fasting and praying about what our next season is to look like. Is Arkansas supposed to be our home base or is it another YWAM base around the world?

Our plans have been to put our stuff in storage at a friends house the end of April, stay at our church’s airbnb for the first week of May and then head to Guatemala and beyond for the summer (click here for details).

Over and over again people have asked. “What are your plans for the fall?”

Our family has been seeking the Lord and asking Him for clarity. The biggest thing we have gotten is to trust Him and He will show us the way. We have also heard this fall we are to head to Mexico to help launch a school at YWAM Rancho Abierto

We don’t know what exactly 2024 will look like yet but that’s ok. He is always faithful and we will fully surrender to His leading.

So even though it’s scary to not know how things will play out it’s also very exciting to step out in faith. For the reality is none of us really know what tomorrow will bring. So why not radically follow the Living God that is the same, yesterday, today and forever?

Are there dreams God has put on your heart but you’ve been afraid to follow them?


This question is legit. Why have you not followed what Gods put on your heart? Is it fear? Is it the inability to trust Him? Or is it just timing?

When we first left our hometown eight years ago to go into full time missions I actually envisioned our journey to look a little bit more like what I believe this coming year will look like. But the timing was off. God had to do a deep work in us so we had the tools to step out and lean into Him. He also had two beautiful girls that He wanted us to have and classes we needed under our belt.

In the last 8 years we have learned so much and have grown in our trust of His character so even though we don’t exactly know what’s next we know He is trust worthy. For the root cause for most of us not stepping out is fear that God won’t show up because we don’t trust His character. We don’t trust that He will do what His word says. And we are afraid that we will make a wrong choice.

Today let’s press in, worship, pray, and read the Word of God so we can know His character. And so we can do whatever He tells us to do!


Prayer for Esperanza


Stepping Out