Prayer for Esperanza
Eight years ago we were heading into the unknown trusting that the Lord was leading us into full time missions. Many thought we were crazy. Our daughter only three months prior had been diagnosed with a brain tumor and had undergone an intensive 5-6 hour brain surgery. When it was completed we didn’t know if she’d be able to speak, stand, or even feed herself. But as she became more alert she quickly returned to her sassy, full of life little three year old girl persona. The doctors said we needed to continue to monitor her with regular MRIs since he was not able to get all of the tumor out. However, there was nothing more we could do.
So even though we had a handful of individuals that didn’t understand the “call of God” we set off into the unknown believing God would take care of all of us, even our sweet daughter.
Over the last eight years God has been faithful to this. Esperanza has had multiple MRIs where some reports have caused us concerns and others have given us peace for yet another year. Overall Esperanza has continued to be bold, courageous and full of life. And we are so thankful we did not give way to the voice of fear.
Instead we have seen God’s miraculous provisions, doors have opened to share our faith and many have followed our story as God has worked through us. Our story has also included set backs in different ways right before we have left for different mission trip adventures.
One specific time Zoe and I didn’t have our VISA or Passport to go to Cameroon. The days ticked by and it came to the day we were to leave. Were we to continue to stand believing it would come or should we cancel our flight and stop standing in faith? Well over and over again when trials come we have learned we have to go back to the Word of the Lord
Had He told us that Zoe and I were to go to Cameroon?
Well, YES, He had.
So were we to continue to stand believing for the miracle?
Seven hours before we were to board our flight our Cameroon VISA with our passports came in.
Phew . . . God showed up in just the nick of time.
Why does it have to be that way? Why can’t we have all our ducks in a row months or even weeks before so we can feel safe and secure? Well I guess that’s because . . .
“. . . faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:6
Oh how I wish faith was found in a different way. But it’s not. It’s found in the waiting, it’s found in the trusting, it’s found in the stepping out.
Now back to Esperanza
Yesterday was another MRI report. Instead of a report stating that we can go another year until her next MRI the doctor recommended a follow up appointment with a specialist. Esperanza’s tumor has grown and he’s concerned.
“Wait did I hear that right?”
Yes, with only 15 days until we board a plane for Guatemala and our house starting to look like a storage area we are faced once again with a choice. Do we walk in fear or do we walk in faith?
Do we continue to pack up our house and put things in storage or do we stop?
The unknowing is always the hardest part. How do you move forward when you are standing in the unknowing?
As we’ve prayed and sought the Lord we are reminded over and over again how He spoke to us to go.
Are we willing to completely change gears if we need to?
Do we return to Arkansas earlier?
So many questions but to follow peace is where we are at.
With that I ask for prayer. God is in the impossible!
We are moving forward believing for a miracle! Believing that her follow up appointment with the specialist on Thursday, April 28th will bring great news!
The next day we will proceed to put everything in storage and head to our churches AirBNB for a few days.
Then May 5th we will get on our flight for Guatemala! And a beautiful encounter of following the Lord on foreign soil unashamed wherever He leads us will begin.
“For what Satan intended for evil God will turn for His good!!”
Genesis 50:20
Thank you for standing with us in prayer for a miracle for Esperanza!!