Culture Shock
A couple of days ago was the first time I had the opportunity to go to a store since arriving in Kona. Entering into Target without kids, a short list of groceries needed and excitement that bubbled knowing I was about to have some time to myself. Instead I was met with this overwhelming sense of culture shock. The vast amount we in the American culture are blessed with inundated me.
How do you process? Our brains can't grasp or fathom the discrepancies between such need portrayed in Uganda and the excess in our American culture. It's a choice right? To continue on as if nothing has changed or to judge everyone around that is living in "luxury" or is there another option?
Things that seemed so important faded in a distance and the importance of life filtrated us instead.
As we process the shock and emotions of what we experienced, we need to stop and ask God "what do you want us to do with this?" "How should our life change now that we've seen a completely different world then our own?"
The answer that penetrates my heart is "We are not called to sit on the sidelines of life." We are called to engage it head on. We are called to embrace life and the challenges that come with it. God wants us to ask Him, "what am I to do with this new found experience?". Then He wants us to jump out and be obedient to whatever it is He's asked of us.
Some of you will go back to your day to day routines but you are called to be a STRONG light in the midst of darkness. Others of you have been called to give it all up. He's asked you to sell businesses, homes, and to let go of your comforts. He wants you to embrace a life that is so unfamiliar to your previous way of living. A life that may bring some fear yet over the last five months He has been faithful. He has provided for you and your family. He has not left you as orphans. With this knowledge you will choose to embrace a life that may seem like craziness to many of those around you.
Each of us that went on outreach will process our experiences so differently but ultimately I believe God is challenging us to get quiet with Him. As you enter back into the next season of life let Him speak to you. Let Him show you what's next. Your experiences are not your own, they are meant to be shared and used to change many. They are meant to pole vault you into the next season God is preparing for you. Trust Him and let our sweet Jesus walk you through your culture shocked moments.
Yes it's important to process with other missionaries or people that have gone on short-term missions but God knows your experiences best. God knows what He wants to use you for and how He wants to use your experiences. Run to Him! Get quiet and listen! Then Trust Him!