Entering into Your Future
The door cracked open and we launched into our spiel about being local Christians who wanted to bless those who were working in the brothel that day. The receptionist bluntly described there was only one girl working that day and she was sleeping from a long nights work. Yet she flung open the door for us to follow her in.
Conversation continued with the receptionist. We talked about how she had landed the job, her family and her relationship with God. As we continued another staff joined us. Conversations went a little deeper and we were soon encouraged to pray for the second staff person.
As I wrapped up our time in prayer the doorbell rang. I continued to pray as the receptionist answered the door. Footsteps were heard yet I continued to finish up my prayer.
After I said amen and opened my eyes I found myself looking into the eyes of a customer. The receptionist had told him she had no women yet he insisted saying he had seen two women just enter (he was talking about myself and another Priceless team member).
He shifted in his seat as I looked at him and smiled after I had just said amen. As quickly as he came he left.
Oh how I wonder over the years what the Lord will utilize me for. We had touched the tip of an iceberg and my heart jumps within me to see people set free and lives transformed.
Today as I walked to church I couldn't stop praying as I passed two brothels. What doors will the Lord open up? How will the Priceless team be utilized this next year?
Today someone from our prayer team had a word that I truly believe is for us all. She described how important it is to not compare our present or our future to our past. So often we can get stuck in the yesterdays, how things were (both good and bad) and God wants us to look ahead and believe Him for new things!
God doesn't want any of us to be like Lot's wife who looked back at Sodom and turned into a pillar of salt. (Gen 19:26). He wants us to look at our future and to trust the One who created the future. If we will only hold onto the creator, the maker of the universe, we have an opportunity of a lifetime to be transformed and to enter into a promise land that we have never experienced before.
Today as you think about your future press into our creator. Press into the Lord of Lords, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. He has amazing plans for your future that you cannot fathom!
We are believing our sweet Savior for breakthrough. We are also believing for lives to be transformed as I start increasing my time with Priceless and when Bruce goes on outreach. Kiddos are also in school part-time.
Bruce has been studying hard (we barely see him) and in April he will be heading off to Thailand for a week and a half. Bruce then comes home for a few days before meeting his team in India for four weeks. The kids and I will be staying in Perth anticipating his return but excited for what God will be doing with Bruce and the School Of Frontier Media on outreach.
We believe that God placed us right where we are to do the work He has set before us. What has God placed in front of you? What ways are you allowing our sweet Lord to transform your life today. What ways are you clinging onto Him, not looking at the past but pressing into the future believing it will look differently than your past? Press in today! He has good things in store for you!