Farewell USA and Kona
Our time in Kona has come to a close. Our extended stay has allowed us to develop even more life time friends and to trust our sweet Savior once again in the midst of intense adversities.
We will encounter incredible friends, have opportunity upon opportunity to see lives transformed through Christ and our very own way of thinking will be changed. We will also be stretched beyond our comfort zone and will learn even more of what walking by faith truly means.
People have asked if we are nervous about taking our children all the way across the world without a full knowledge of where our finances will always come from. And the truth is we are more excited then nervous. God has shown us over and over again that He can provide so now it's more about having an expectancy that He will show up.
The fact is in the future if God asks us to start up an anti-human trafficking ministry, the cost could potentially be triple what we are believing for now. If we can't believe God for the little amount it cost for us to cover our family now then how on earth would we be able to step out and believe Him to do anything beyond this?
God is a HUGE God and as we start our new journey to Australia and beyond I don't ever want to put our God in a box! Our God deserves more than that! He is the creator of the Universe. He is the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End.
He longs for each of us to jump out with blind faith. Yes he's given us a brain he desires that we use but sometimes the gap between our brain and His reality requires blindly trusting our sweet Savior. Our brain will sometimes limit us because we can't fathom how our incredible God will show up in the most unexpected places at the perfect timing.
Has God asked you to step out in something? Has God called you out of the boat and said "it's time to walk on water?" The only way you will ever have your "walking on water" moment is if you get out of the boat. It won't happen sitting inside the boat. Yes you may begin to sink like Peter did but Jesus will catch you just like He did with Peter.
It's time for both you and us to be obedient. This means we have to get out of our protective boat and be prepared to walk on water. God has called each of us to do incredible things. Are you ready? We are and we are so thankful for all of your prayers and support!