Finite Vs Infinite
As I bask in the glory of the Lord in my closet I can’t get away from the fact that I am finite. So very finite. I can only grasp what’s right in front of me. When I try to understand how infinite our Lord is my brain hurts. I’m limited by this world. I’m limited by my realities. My current situations. I can only see what’s in front of me but God. He’s infinite, He’s pure, He’s Holly, He’s massive, so much more then my mind can comprehend.
Why then as an finite creature do we doubt Him? Why do we try to take matters into our own hands? Why do we try to prove ourselves or have others follow us? Who are we to say to the creator that we know better?
My soul cries out longing to truly be led by the infinite God of this universe. To bask in a glimpse of His glory and to know that He is God. He is Mighty and Powerful and yet He chooses to dwell in me. Around ME and YOU! He makes His home in these earthly vessels that are full of sin and that are wasting away.
He chooses to let His glory fall on us. He chooses to let us taste a bit of the infinite as we wait on Him in worship. And each time we sit in His presence and bask in His glory we taste a little bit more.
What if we were overcome by Who He is? What if we laid aside every distraction and truly took the time to bask in His presence. Sitting at His feet and allowing His Word to wash over you. Not allowing the distraction of this age to hinder our time with Him? What if we brought Him into every situation, every conversation, every moment? What if we oozed out His glory as we connected with our family?
Oh now that is something I yearn for. To not allow my finite being to rule and reign. I desperately yearn for the infinite God to have His way in me so that all who come in contact with me feel His love for them.
Yet if I don’t spend the time to bask in His glory then how can He dwell in me? How can an infinite God pour out of me if I’m not craving Him and carving out time to bask in His presence? If I’m filling myself with the things of this world my body will crave those things. My finite being will long for these worldly things. Yet the more I bask in the glory of the infinite and powerful God the more I will find myself longing for more of Him. More of who He is. And He will ooze out of me.
Today, let us crave Him. Let us bask in His presence. Not worrying about tomorrow. Not worrying about the finite things of this world but truly knowing He is King of our hearts and He is worthy to set aside the time for!
Prayer Requests:
The tumor in Esperanza’s head shrivels up and dies.
The cartilage in Bruce’s sub-tailor joint returns.
Funds to fix our van (We need $2.5k).
More partners (click here).