Poverty in Paradise

It had been 15 hours of me being in a car with a puppy and our three girls (4, 7, and 13). The GPS still read 30 minutes until we reached our destination.

Bruce and our son were driving a U-haul full of our belongs. They had left Arkansas four hours after us and yet were only minutes away from our final destination.

Agh . . . I was done making bathroom stops and longed to be out of the car for good.

As we got off the Highway we drove down dark roads with trees hovering above. There were a few street lights that dimly lit the way. My eyes squinted as I tried desperately to gather in all my surroundings. It was the first time I had ever been in that specific area of Pensacola and it was about to be the first time I had physically laid eyes on the home we had purchased.

Bruce and I had been in Pensacola a year and a half prior for 3 days but I had never been down these streets.

As we rounded the corner of our neighborhood I gave a sign of relief. The houses were neatly put together, it was quiet at 10:30pm and most yards seem to have been kept up.

Then I saw it. Our very own home. The U-haul towered in the driveway as the boys were opening up the back latch. Excitement penetrated through our girls as they jumped out barely allowing me to put the car in park.

They ran in looking for their bedrooms. We unloaded their mattresses and quickly ushered them all into the little girl’s room. We thanked God for a safe trip and our new home. As we drifted off to our own bedrooms we were soon sound asleep.

Early the next morning we were pleasantly surprised when 7 men from Freedom Church and 3 moms from a couple different churches arrived to help us unload and put our bed frames together. Wow, what a welcome!!

Over the next several weeks we unpacked, fixed a few items that needed to be done, dealt with doctors, health care providers, insurance, drivers licenses, schooling, traveled to Tennessee for a nephew’s graduation, etc. We even hosted two different families, two different weeks, from Arkansas, who came for some respite.

In the midst of all of these things we quickly realized that our neighborhood was nestled in a quiet sanctuary in the midst of poverty. Whatever direction we went we would find homeless individuals scattered about. Houses falling a part, mobile home parks that hadn’t been taken care of, and so much poverty. Yes there were also nicely put together neighborhoods and some very large homes as well.

There was so much need. Where do we put our hands to work? As we began to connect with individuals in our new church body and others in the community we soon realized this poverty is actually all over Pensacola. There can be a beautiful neighborhood and the next block over there is a mobile home that is falling a part. The poverty is scattered about.

However, we also soon realized that there are some pockets in Pensacola that are much worse then others. One specific elementary school we learned of has 80% of their children on free and reduced lunch.

With this much need where do you start when you are just one family and you are also called to the nations? This is a question we continue to seek the Lord on. But in the meantime we have begun to partner with some incredible outreaches that already minister to those in need within Pensacola and abroad.

One specific outreach is through our church. They regularly go minister to those in need throughout the community.

This last Saturday we got to join them as they gave out watermelons and prayed for many that are homeless. As our kids settled into their new surroundings they regularly yelled out “Free watermelons!”

Zoe and Amara perched themselves on the back of the truck overflowing with watermelons and at times would join Bruce or I while we prayed for others.

Esperanza and Gryphin dashed about, giving watermelons to our team members as needed. The team members were scattered about talking and praying with those that arrived.

Individuals from all walks of life came to us. As we handed out watermelons we asked if they’d like us to lay hands on them and interceede for them. As I looked about I saw people giving their lives to the Lord. Crying out for an infilling of the Holy Spirit and being delivered. It was such a beautiful sight. It wasn’t just a handout, people were truly being set free and were encountering the Father in a way that many had never experienced before.

One specific woman I was ministering to with a couple other ladies was truly touched. The ladies I was with gathered around her. We prayed, listened for the Lord to speak and loved on her.

As we interceded on her behalf I continually felt that the root of her pain started at the moment of conception. I had this strong sense that there had been an attempt on her life when she was still in her mother’s womb.

As I described the vision God had given me her eyes became moist and tears spilled down her face. She began describing how her mom had escaped to Pensacola when she was still in her mom’s belly. Her father had tried to kill her mom and her mom didn’t actually want to be pregnant.

WOW!! God went right after the root. He loved this woman so much that she needed to know that even though her parents didn’t want her God wanted her. God LOVED her!!

After many tears, prayers and conversation we gathered her phone number and were about to head out. However, while we were doing this another homeless woman had passed out on the edge of the truck from dehydration. Some of our team members had called for an ambulance and were waiting for them to arrive.

Esperanza did not want our family to leave until the ambulance had arrived, so we waited. After the ambulance arrived and took the homeless lady we were free to go.

Yes our children had been surrounded by many homeless individuals and we had to continually be aware of where they were at all times. And yet it was obvious that they were all positively impacted by being the hands and feet of Christ.

As we left and settled into our air conditioned car questions were tossed up front. Bruce and I did our best to answer the questions our children had from what they had just witnessed.

Some people may think we are crazy for exposing our children to such turmoil and yet they saw God move. They saw people set free and delivered. We also got to once again have conversations about the effects of drugs, alcohol, unforgiveness, and sin.

Moments like these are what help our kids truly understand the effects of sin. It also shows them the power of our God and how much He loves His children. And it allows them to see past themselves and love others.

Today, I’d like to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. Let your children watch you. Encourage them to step out as well. Allow the Holy Spirit to move your heart with compassion and be obedient to whatever ways He is speaking. Don’t allow yourself to be held back by fear but instead be led by the Holy Spirit! You never know how God will show up!

Your children desperately need to get out of the four walls of the church and see your faith in action. They don’t need another lecture how to be good Christians. They need to see live examples and they too need to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Are You Ready?


New Life


Finite Vs Infinite