God of Miraculous Provisions

Two days before Bruce’s school was to start we only had $300 of the $4,000 we needed. Had we heard God correctly? Yes, we knew God had spoken clearly that Bruce was to do the Film Production school.

Therefore, were we to panic and back down from what God had spoken? 

How could we? We’ve seen Him provide over and over again even when all the odds have been against us. We have also heard miraculous story after miraculous story of God’s provision to so many that are a part of YWAM. 

Therefore, we knew that our God is faithful so it was vital that we were to follow His leading. No mater what our bank account said. 

The night before Bruce’s school started we received a message. Someone felt led to give $1,000 USD (about $1,300 AUD) for Bruce to attend the Film Production School. Then our pastor from the US told us we had $2,600 USD ($3,332 AUD) to cover our monthly bills. We knew God had just provided the funds for Bruce to go to school. 

Yes it is true that we sent all of our monthly income to cover his school and our basic housing cost (utilities, rent, lunch & dinner). Meaning, we don’t have much in the way of any extra funds for our other monthly bills but God is good. Just like He took a few loaves of bread and two fish to feed the 5,000 we continue to see and trust Him to provide in miraculous ways. 

Finances should not be our god. They should not dictate our decisions. Yes we are to be wise with what God has given us and there are times that He wants us to focus on paying off debt, saving, etc. But are we allowing finances to rule our decisions? 

Way too often this has been my plight. I’m a natural born budgeter, saver and penny pincher. So learning to live free of the control of money is gut wrenching. My desire is to have enough money in savings that we can live on it for three months without needing a job. 

Our first six years of marriage I made sure we paid all our debt off, stayed on our budget and saved so we could buy a house. I felt a sense of peace looking at our savings and I enjoyed doing our budget at the end of each month. 

So when God said to sell all our possessions, quit our jobs and move without knowing where we were to go after the six months of training with YWAM, I told Him He was crazy. Yet He continued to pursue our hearts and He clearly spoke that we were to obey. 

Sadly there are still times that I do give into my fleshly thoughts and try to figure out how much longer we can stay in YWAM. Yet over and over again God shows up and reminds me to “not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34

Today, no mater what financial circumstance we find ourselves in let’s choose to not worry. Together let’s trust our Heavenly Father for the impossible. Let’s each of us stop allowing finances to rule our decisions and trust that if God says GO we GO. If He says GIVE then let’s give. Together let’s walk free of the grip of finances and pursue the call God has placed on our hearts.


Red socks


God’s protection