Red socks

We closed our eyes in silence and instantly a picture of red socks with a little yellow on the side appeared. As people prayed out this picture did not leave my mind. 

God is such an incredible God that loves to involve us with the details of other people's lives. How often though do we miss those opportunities? 

While attending two of my previous churches I had a handful of experiences to go out on treasure hunts. I was also witness to hearing multiple stories where the Lord would give members of our church very specific people to pray for before even leaving the church building. Over and over again lives would be transformed and people would be healed as they would go out and pray for God's treasures. 

What an incredible inheritance I have been blessed with. Godly people who I call friends have been shinning examples of the power of our Heavenly Father!

Those red socks with a little yellow was all the Lord gave me this last Friday afternoon for evangelism. We concluded our time of prayer and our team was off for the city. 

After a short 10 minute walk into the city we spilt into groups of two. As my partner and I began to walk we prayed under our breath. About 15 minutes passed by and we hadn't seen a single person with red socks. 

There were a few people that stood out to me yet I couldn't shake the image I had seen. We turned and went back down the same street on the other side. As we strolled down the street I saw a group of teens sitting in an alley way in front of a random coffee shop. 

The Holy Spirit nudged me to walk towards them. As we started to approach the red socks became apparent. There he was, God's treasure. As we approached I sat with them and began describing how God had given me a vision of red socks with a little yellow (the top of his socks had a yellow ring). 

One boy next to the young man with the red socks stated "You are so lucky". The boy with the red socks didn't seem quite so sure. However, he confidently said yes when I asked if I could pray for him. 

As I prayed my heart broke, soft tears filled my eyes as God began to unfold his love for this young man. Making it very clear that the Lord has great plans for him. 

My partner had an opportunity to pray for one of the young girls and I prayed for another young man in the group who had a broken foot. 

I would love to say they accepted Christ and were healed but that is not what we experienced. However, I know without a shadow of a doubt this young man will never forget the day God singled him out. 

The rest of our time on the streets we never again saw someone with red socks. 

God is waiting for each of us to stop our busy lives and trust. Trust that He wants to speak and use us to impact our generation today. Will you join with us in taking time regularly to listen to God's heart so we can speak life into His treasures? He is an All Powerful God that truly does speak! 




God of Miraculous Provisions