There we were sitting around our neighbors dinner table chatting away, eating an amazing meal and enjoying their company. With only two days left until we leave for Guatemala, time was becoming sacrce but with our house and bags all packed up our last few days have been all about people.
My phone began to buzz. Looking down at the caller ID it read “Little Rock, AR”. Not recognizing the number I was about to hit ignore. As I reached for the end button I was reminded that it could be the Neuro specialist calling to give us an update on what all the different neurologist had discussed that day.
Excusing myself I went into the living room to hear the call better. Answering the call I was right. It was the neurologist.
First thing out of the neurologists mouth was “It’s good news!!”
At first I didn’t understand him but as he spoke it all felt a little surreal. It didn’t make sense.
“When your daughter had surgery 8 years ago the doctors had put some holes in and around the tumor in Esperanza’s head. Therefore, the tumor could grow a lot more before we would have to do anything. So instead of six months we are moving her follow up MRI to a year.” The doctor stated with excitement in his voice.
“Wait . . . so we don’t have to do a MRI in October?” I clarified.
“Nope. She is good to continue to just be monitored once a year.”
Both shock and relief flooded over me. I hung up the phone and shared this awesome news with our family and neighbors.
Then as I started to text my family the news later that night I had to stop.
Never in 8 years has any doctor said Esperanza’s tumor has holes in it or that the fluid was flowing through the tumor.
WOW! Is God in the middle of bringing Esperanza’s healing? Are we going to finally witness the miracle we have been praying for? Are we witnessing one now?
Still in shock I write this. Yes we leave in two days for Guatemala. The enemy really doesn’t want us to step out in faith but when God’s people pray Satan better watch out. For we know our God hears the cries of His people and we truly believe the cry of the saints is transforming our daughters life. As well as our own.
Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for know Jesus is using your prayers to heal our daughter and to increase our faith for the impossible!!