Sanders EPIC Mission

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Not turning a blind eye

When we first arrived in Belize City it felt a little daunting as we walked down the busy street. Our home was in the middle of the city in an apartment above multiple little shops. Meaning any time we would need to go to the grocery store, to ministry events, etc we were easily asked for money 10-15 times.

As a caucasian missionary it is vital to know what our piece is to play while we serve around the world. Yes there is need everywhere we go and as a missionary we have a soft heart wanting to help everyone. But sometimes helping people looks different than we might expect. This means our responsibility is to ask the Lord,

“What is my part to play here?”

“Am I to give money or is it my time to hear someone out?”

“Or is there something else I am to do?”

As a longterm missionary burn out can come if we are not careful to listen to the Holy Spirit. Because need is everywhere but it is not our job to fix it all. Instead it’s our job to know what the Lord is saying and to do that. Because God knows the big picture and He knows what is best for those we serve and for us.

Today, as you go about your day to day routine, either as a missionary, a parent, a pastor, or someone that works a 9-5pm job it is so vital to walk closely with the Lord. Because burnout can happen to anyone. We can feel like we are not doing enough. But the goal is to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:23) and what His expectations on us are will look much different then our own.