
Tonight, as we were getting our kids ready for bed, I heard my six year old, Amara Joy, singing and giggling in the shower. “Mom, we live in a mansion now. This shower is huge and we even have hot water.”

My heart warmed as I looked around our one bedroom with four twin size beds neatly positioned on one side of the room, a small couch sitting sideways in the middle of the room, a small coffee table tucked away in a corner and our full size bed positioned right in front of the bathroom. The bathroom has a small sink and a standup shower able to comfortably fit one person. Many people would not consider our new accommodations to be a mansion but to my six year old she was elated to say we lived in a mansion.

Then came time for our bedtime prayers.

“Thank you Jesus that I have a place to run and play.” Gryphin prayed with excitement.

“Thank you Jesus for a kitchen and a dinning room table.” Esperanza smiled as her mind was racing with ideas of what she could make in our community kitchen.

“Thank you Jesus for a shower with hot water. And for our mansion.” Amara beamed.

“Thank you Jesus for my new friend.” Zoe prayed.

We had just moved 1.5 hours from Belize City to Glory House which is in Esperanza Village. Glory House had graciously offered their 3 acre accommodation that has several rooms throughout their property. This now allows our kids to have a safe place to roam while we edit photos and build a website for the ministry we are assisting in Belize City.

As I sit thinking back over the last couple hours I just can’t help but smile as I think about my kids recent experiences. In the last 3 months we have not had our own kitchen and we all have primarily slept in one small room all together (except one week when we were at my sisters house). So to have a space that is big enough to have a coffee table and a small couch is now considered a mansion.

These experiences have given them such appreciation for the small things in life. And it challenges me to keep a grateful heart in all situations. No expectations or lust for more but completely content in all circumstances.


Not turning a blind eye

