
Not long after arriving in Belize City I was overcome by the great need that presented itself. Everywhere we turned there was lack and what looked to be desperation in some areas. Add to the fact that we are caucasian so every persons gaze followed us and expectations that we came with deep pockets were assumed.

Yet as the days turned into weeks we have begun to settle in and make connections. Heart to heart conversations have been held and our eyes have been opened to such richness. Richness in so many people’s hearts. God’s treasures.

These treasures have been the teens that hangout at the Water Walkers Outreach Center day after day, the multiple homeless that line the streets, the littles that flooded the two kid camps held at Water Walkers, the women in the women’s ministry, and the countless others that we have come in contact with here in Belize.

Each day we see each of these treasures and my heart has become more and more aware of the beauty of Belize City.

Where are you at today? Are you looking at the impossibilities, the lack, or the desperation in your own surroundings? Or are you looking for God’s treasures. Treasures are everywhere. We just need to see with the lenses of the Lord!! For He sees each of us as His sweet treasure.



