
Friday was Bible distribution day but we weren’t prepared for what would take place.

Bruce went with his camera to follow two YWAM staff so he could get footage for their testimonials.  My four kids and I joined another YWAMer, Michael, and we all headed across the street. On the other side of the street sat an older gentleman that was clearly homeless. Yet as Michael held the conversation steady in Spanish, multiple people would wave at the man sitting as they walked or drove by. He clearly was well known and liked in the community.

Soon Michael went across the street to get the guy a snack. My kids and I went with him but I also knew we needed to give him a Bible. After handing him a snack I pulled out a Bible from my backpack and handed it to him. His eyes light up as he grabbed it. He continued speaking to Michael in Spanish but every few minutes would turn back to me and thank me for the Bible.

Soon other homeless men came out of the wood work. All of a sudden there was chatter and curiosity spurring. My kids helped handout Bibles as quickly as possible. Excitement was building. As they opened the pages to their new Bibles I realized some of the men could not read the small print.

Our neighbor back in Arkansas had given us about 100 reading glasses and I started pulling them from my bag. Soon every older homeless man was reading the Word of God with their reading glasses on. They all settled on the street with their Bibles opened and their reading glasses on. They sat pointing out parts in the Bible and talking amongst themselves.

My heart swelled with contentment as it was obvious this was the first time many of them had seen or read the Word of God in years. And to have my children a part of giving out the Word of God truly blessed my heart.

It was also obvious God was doing something in each of my kids hearts. Esperanza was so moved that she felt the Lord say to bless one of the homeless men with some cash she had in her purse. He was shocked when she gave it to him.

After more conversation our team had to leave but I know the YWAM Guatemala Team will be back next week.

Today as you read this please join with us in prayer that these men will truly allow the Word of God to come alive in their life. Also that the local YWAMers in Guatemala will have favor as they continue to serve this community. And please pray that a Bible study will sprout up in this neighborhood amongst the homeless.



