Sanders EPIC Mission

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The event was in full swing. People lingered across the property. Some were eating, chatting, playing volleyball, hanging out in the ninja gym and others were being led on a tour. Every once in awhile I’d have to direct or share what was going on next. Which is when Bruce captured this picture below.

They add so much and so often have been a part of other peoples healing as they witness the family dynamics. Has it always been easy? Would it be easier to just find someone to watch them and to not have them at my side, yeah it’d probably be easier but over and over again God has asked me to let them be my first ministry. 

Does this mean I stop doing the passions on my heart? Do I put me on the sideline and wait for them to grow up or until they are old enough to be in school or out of the house? A resounding NO! 

Yes every persons compacity and family dynamic looks different. Which is why it’s so vital to listen to the Lord in every season. There have been seasons the Lord has said to just focus on the children and then other seasons God says press in and trust in a new way. Does it make one way more right then another? Nope! 

It’s all about following the voice of the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to guide us in each process. When we walk out our calling with obedience to the Lord is when our children will thrive the most. Do we do it perfectly? No, I fail all the time but I also know that every time I surrender my will to the Lord it’s beautiful. 

Today let’s not disqualify ourselves from what God is speaking because circumstances don’t line up perfectly. Let’s be willing to move forward with what He is saying even if it means we do things with a child on our hip (whatever that is for you). Let’s choose to trust that God is good, He knows what’s best and we will thrive in obedience to Him, the Living God.